Dealing with Problem Skin
I am fortunate to work with naturopaths at both of my jobs. Unfortunately for them, I am a curious human being and have a myriad of questions for them almost always.
One of my close friends at work is going through to be a certified health coach and has undertaken my skin as one of her projects. Do I mind? Absolutely not. I have had issues with my skin since I was in highschool, so I thought I may as well share some of my quick tips and tricks that I have learned over the years.
1. Let’s start with the obvious, shall we? Water. I find it helps to keep my skin clearer and healthier. One: because I am hydrated. Two: Because then I probably won’t eat as much chocolate.
2. Fish Oil. I take a tablespoon of the stuff every morning and I swap bottles between salmon oil, Udo’s Oil, Vega Omega 3-6-9 oil and *shudder* cod liver oil. I have been seening a health coach locally and he told me that swapping the oils allows you to get maximum benefit from each bottle.
Every morning, my father asks me if my life is really that much better than every one else’s that I need to take a spoonful of oil to counterbalance.
I say yes.

3. Veggies. Another obvious one, but when winter hits, all I want to eat is carbs. So it is easy to nix salads and other vegetables for comfort foods but that is a surefire way to get breakouts!

4. Zinc. A zinc supplement helps by reducing inflammation and reducing oil production in the pores.
5. Changing up your face regime. This is what I have been working hard at this month. I had been on the Clinque Acne line, but I was not happy with the results. I have since switched to a mixture of 1/2 olive oil, 1/2 castor oil and a few drops of tea tree oil. I was a little nervous about adding MORE oil to my face as it seemed to be the last thing I needed, but you know when you put on a harsh chemical facewash and you can feel your pores sizzling? I can feel my pores sighing with relief. I just started the program, but my face has been less oily.
6. Watch your stress levels. This is my Acne Achilles Heel. With a 50+ hr work week and a relationship, a family and amazing friends, I am always on the go. Thankfully, if you are not able to lower stress in your life, you can take stress relieving herbs such as Chamomile, Tarragon, Dill, Rosemary and Sage.
7. Keep your hands OFF your face. I constantly need to remind myself to stop resting my face in my hands while I am at a desk.
8. Sweat it out.
A good workout is a great way to detoxify. Just make sure to change out of any tight workout clothes and have a shower immediately after.
[I also have to say, that due to the craziness of this week, my blogs have not been up as quickly as I was hoping this week. Please see number 6, and thanks for hanging in there.]
What clear skin tips did I miss?
I have similar issues, but I’d almost prefer to suffer than have tablespoons of oil each morning :S In all seriousness, though, I agree with number seven (entirely)! I have such a hard time with that one lol.