September Goal Checkin and Five More!
Hello everyone!
I hope you had a wonderful weekend and you are recharged and refreshed for the week. I had a bit of a different weekend. On Saturday, I headed up to Mount St. Louis Moonstone to compete in a Tough Mudder event. I will be doing a recap later, but although it was certainly not the toughest event on the planet as they claim, it certainly was a lot of fun!
As tomorrow marks the beginning of October, it is time to crack down and take a look at what I want to accomplish in the next month and assess how I did in September!
1. Start a book club with my friend in Toronto. – F
Let me explain. I had the location of my race wrong so we haven’t had a chance to meet to discuss the book. But when we do, we will be chatting about The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse by Louise Erdrich.
2. Complete two races in a day. – F
Failed AGAIN. This is again with circumstances beyond my control as the race got cancelled. But I can assure you I would have done both races! 🙂
3. Increase my mountain biking skills. C
I wasn’t able to make it to the mountain biking training, but I have been out on the trails a few times and am getting more confident for an upcoming race on my schedule. (Check my list out, it has been freshly updated!)
4. Get everything prepped for my Trail Running Series that I am leading at the end of September. B
I still have some copy to prepare, but thankfully I have lots of time to do it! I lead the first session last Thursday night and it was a success! Looking forward to the rest of the series.
5. Get a sports massage. A+
Not only did I get a sports massage, but I booked in for another one tomorrow! I have found a fabulous local sports therapist and I am looking forward to another tool to stay on top of my training.
So, I certainly have room for improvement in October. Here is what I am dreaming and scheming for this month:
1. Qualify for Boston in my October 20th marathon.
I have been training almost every day since June, watching my nutrition, training and have even added a coach to the mix. I am feeling quite confident that I will reach the time I am looking towards unless something goes seriously wrong. Just another step closer to my goal of running Boston before I turn 30! This month, I will be super strict with eating correctly, getting enough sleep and tapering my training.
2. Spend some quality time with my sister, Jolene.
As of tomorrow, my parents are off to Greece for a couple weeks and that leaves me in charge of these two kiddies.
Nathan is my cousin from Sioux Lookout who is completing a semester of high school in the area and living with our family. Jolene is my youngest sister. She has been really struggling lately with her battle with anorexia and I am hoping to be a strong support to her.
3. Do some work on the blog.
Although I have sunk quite a bit of time into the recent redesign and landing page, there are a few tweaks that are a bit time consuming and I have been putting them off. NO longer. I am looking forward to refreshing and rewriting a few bits so keep your eyes peeled for some fresh new content!
4. PR my 5 KM distance.
I have been training hard to increase my speed and with a varsity alumni event next weekend, I am hoping to grab my spikes, get in there and do better than I did in my XC career at the University of Waterloo.
5. Take in Octoberfest.
I am not much of a partier to say the least, but this is a local, cultural event that I have never attended. When a friend at the local BIA asked me to join this month, I decided 2013 was the year to check it out! If nothing else, I absolutely love living in Kitchener/Waterloo and I am excited to spend some time with some local community friends!
What are your goals for October?
You are a racing machine Jess!! And I love it. Best of luck in your qualifier this month. Even though I know hills don’t intimidate you in the slightest, the route is lovely and flat and I’m sure that will translate into a speedy time for you.. .and a trip to Boston in the spring! I’m also so excited for you and the whole Michigan thing. You are a rockstar!
I literally think I am addicted to exercise. 🙂 You are an enabler in this sickness of mine.
I am actually happy to hear the route is nice and flat – I can only imagine how awful it would be if it were hilly – I love hills, but not 42 km worth!
I am SO excited for Michigan!
🙂 First time ever!
Love your October goals! I am going home to Toronto (from Vancouver) for a wedding and Thanksgiving for a few weeks so I just plan to enjoy some family time (while also getting some work done on my thesis). Fitness wise I’ve finally run over 10 km so now I want to speed it up!
Love goals!! I’ll be cheering you on for your BQ!! Speedy legs!! 🙂
Cant’ wait to read your tough mudder recap!
Thanks Elizabeth! I can use all the cheering that I can. 🙂
Tough Mudder recap coming down the pipe!