October Goal Check in and 5 More for November!
Hi there!
Hope you had a fantastic weekend full of relaxing or in some of your cases, running marathons!!
I had a busy weekend taking some weekend extended learning courses, spending time with family and working at NIGHT\SHIFT, a project that I have helped create at my job.
As we head into a time change and a new month, it is time to review the goals that I set for October and make a few for November!
1. Qualify for Boston in my October 20th marathon. A+
Wahoo! A hard race with an injury, but I ran my first marathon in 3:28:34. Looking forward to the next one and hoping to race it in 3:20:00 or less. I believe in celebrating success, but I also don’t stay satisfied for long!
2. Spend some quality time with my sister, Jolene. A+
My sister has to be supervised for all of her meals and one of the most memorable moments in the past month was the night I had returned from my 40 km run. I got her snack together upon returning and told her that I needed an ice bath. I prepped the tub, poured in the ice and climbed in fully clothed while she sat opposite me with her little meal. I told her that I wouldn’t get out until she was through. With anorexia, you need to seize little moments to make meals bearable, because so much of it is a struggle.
3. Do some work on the blog. A
I have been a busy little bee making new changes on the blog. I had a great meeting with a website designer friend of mine and there is even more coming down the pipe, but here are some of the changes that I made this month.
Ramped up my About page and added some new features.
Updated my Race page and sectioned them off into categories.
With more changes on the way!
4. PR my 5 KM distance. A+
O YES I did! I ran a sub 20 minute 5 Km on 3 hours of sleep!
5. Take in Octoberfest. A+
I went. 🙂
Ok. So what am I thinking for November?
1. Learn how to code! I am taking a course on CSS and HTML coding to help improve my web savyness and help me to make my own updates to the blog.
2. Complete my first trail duathlon. Next weekend I am headed to Michigan to complete my last race of the season that consists of trail running and mountain biking. Keep your eyes peeled for a recap!
3. Heal my Achilles Injury. I have some therapy booked for after my race to reduce inflammation. I am also focusing on resting to recover from a hard season and using the rest of 2013 as a bit of an off season to start ramping back up in January. I have some huge news coming for 2014 which will require my legs to be speedy and healthy.
4. Get my Christmas shopping done! That’s right! I want to have everything completed by the end of November! December will be busy enough without shopping thrown in and now that I am resting, I should have tons of time!
5. Take a professional development course. I am taking some courses on marketing and sales for my job. I am looking forward to adding a bit to my knowledge base!
How about you? What are your goals for November?
That is very cool you helped to put NIGHT\SHIFT together! I love going to Nuit Blanche when I am in Toronto.
It was a cool project to work on for sure. I actually have never been to toronto’s Nuit Blanche !
I can’t wait to hear how the duathlon goes! After you rocked your way through October, I won’t be surprised to see those A+’s keep stacking up (I’ll be curious to hear about the coding as well…).
And I guess I better start handing out copies of my ChristmuGus list (hybrid of Christmas & Birthday)…you’ve probably been waiting. My apologies.
We will chat about coding when we are gaming over Christmas break like the nerds that we truly are.
And I will be anxiously awaiting my ChristmuGus list!