January Goal Review
It is hard to believe that we have already headed into February. January has been a bit of a whirl wind, but if it is any indicator of how the rest of 2014 is going to go, I am in for a fabulous year!
Despite being a busy month, I was able to tackle a few of my goals for January.
1. Sign up and confirm all my races for 2014. A
There are a few that I will need to register for as I go, but I am all registered for my races with the 5 Peak Series, the Transrockies 120 miler and the Canadian Running Series. You can see my list of races here.
2. Work with my naturopath to clean up my diet. B
Well, let’s put it to you this way. I have went to her. I have been given my plan and I have been doing my best to follow it but I am probably at an 80% success rate, give or take. (See busy January). In February, we will be working on ways to increase my nutrition as my milage continues to climb in my training.
3. Renew my CPR and first aid certification. F
It is shocking to me how quickly a month can come and go. I will be putting this at the top of my list for the coming months and will have it re-certified before the spring. Please, no one have a tragedy around me at the moment as I am more or less useless. It’s hard to remember things from a year ago! 😀
4. Spend some time in Toronto with these lovely ladies. A+
And what a fabulous time it was! We went to Fresh and chatted about training, races and contemplated the best desserts. Basically, the best group of ladies ever.
5. Organize my marketing plans for the upcoming year at work. A+
Done. Not only that, but this is probably the first January where I am actually AHEAD by the time it closes out. It definitely was helpful to create an airtight plan and stick to it. I have a great group of interns working with me this term and I think it will be a fabulous year professionally as well.
It’s always onwards and upwards, so looking towards February, here are a few of my goals for this month.
1. Learn how to ski.
I am headed up to Blue Mountain, my winter sponsor, this week and I am determined to learn how to ski. I have a shiny new pair of skis waiting and I bought a beautiful new pair of boots last week. I prepped for success!
2. Run my first race of 2014.
The third weekend of February, I am tacking a chilly 8 mile race in Waterloo. I am looking forward to getting back into racing especially as I have been able to increase my milage pain and injury free!
3. Volunteer with House of Friendship and Ray of Hope.
This time of year can be hard for people. The sun hasn’t been out for weeks, winter is stretching on and it can be COLD. I am partnering with House of Friendship for their Potato Blitz to stock their food hamper for the year and Ray of Hope to help raise money for those who are hungry and hurting in our community.
4. Do some professional development.
This month, I am planning on joining a few local business development and social media marketing groups to help increase my knowledge and connect with local professionals in my field. I also am taking a course on effective social media marketing and I am excited – I tend to get a little nutty about that stuff.
5. Drink 8 cups of water a day.
I have been a bit poor at this over the winter and there has been one thing to blame. COFFEE. I love the taste of it on a cold day and so I have been drinking more coffee and less water. I am going to put out my best effort to turn that around this month and stay hydrated.
Want to hear more about goal setting? Check out my recent interview with the gentlemen of the Lifestyle Accountability Show.
How about you? What are your goals for February?
Not a goal setter? Brag a little! What have you done lately that you are proud of?
My goal for February is to make it through! haha. It’s probably going to be the most crazy month of the year at my work, so I’m just waiting for March to get here!
Good for you for being able to accomplish most of your goals for January! Good luck with your ones in February (especially the skiing one!!).
Fingers crossed for March as well. I hear you – February can be CRAZY!
I have to be honest, I’m a littttle worried about the ski one. 🙂
OMG thank you for the CPR reminder! I have to renew mine as well. Maybe we can find a course to do together?? Mine expires in March. One of my goals for my Feb: Work with some specialists to get my iron figured out so I can run my heart out again! 🙂
Yes! Let’s find a course together. It’s always more fun to do it with someone else.
Also, good luck with that pesky iron problem, lady!
YAY sounds like a GREAT month! So excited to read how your skiing adventures goes! And I think you should add coming back to visit us in Toronto again soon! SO FUN! Or perhaps I am going to have to make a trip to waterloo to visit you and Ang!
Both would be totally welcome! I think we will have a TYS10K training program but that is certainly not enough time for me!
I’m a little worried about the skiing thing, but I will keep you posted!