Friday Things: June Edition
Well, that week is a WRAP. It feels like a week of appointments for me and I am taking today off to head to Pennsylvania for the Laurel Highlands Ultra!
It feels like there are even more things getting thrown at me during the summer and to remedy this, I thought I would do another ‘Friday Things’ post where I bundle everything in a neat little package for you.
1. I am getting to be an absolute pro at packing for weekend races. I have a working list in my mind and because this isn’t an adventure race, I am literally the lightest packer on the planet. New Balance hooked me up with some gorgeous new jackets and shirts so I will be test wearing all of that this weekend in the Ohiopyle State Park wilderness. Add some shorts, my Polar watch, Zantes (my running shoe that never seems to leave my feet) and some protein bars and Rumble and I am ready for anything! We are meeting tonight to strategize our pacing schedules and getting a good night’s sleep before starting the race tomorrow morning. The Laurel Highlands area is starting to feel like my second home. I will be back with a full race report next week as well as a discussion on what makes a good pacer.
I have done it a few times and I love it almost as much as racing! My Instagram will be full of pictures sharing the journey!
2. The only problem is ALL THE BUG BITES. I thought I had a flesh eating disease or something after my last race in the Laurel Highlands which was my 48 hour adventure race. One of my appointments this week was to make sure I wasn’t suffering from a deadly condition like WedMD suggested. Turns out, black fly bites manifest themselves as almost a rash. JUST in time for bathing suit season. Just another thing to add to the growing list of what makes runners sexy, right up there with heart rate monitor chafe marks and lost toenails.
3. Speaking of the adventure race, my team mate released our video report for Get Out There Magazine. Want to see some footage of the race? Check it out below.
4. Yesterday was my first run in 3 weeks that felt even remotely better. I have been running through pain that is about a 9 out of 10 on the pain scale with my little seized up soleus and thanks to some acupuncture and massage this week, it is finally loosening. I was able to run about 50% pain free and hit my target paces on my tempo session which was exactly what I needed. I was starting to question my validity as a runner. Biggest lesson learned through all of this? When it sucks, get help and keep going. It does get better! (Let me qualify this by saying I had the green light to run by my coach and physiotherapist – I do not run through potential injury pain!)
5. Do you do sit ups? This is a really interesting article that suggests that you should STOP! For the reasons listed, I don’t do sit ups, but I try to do all the ab roll outs, planks and squats.
6. Genuine Health released a video this week on their fermented products.
7 in 10 people have digestive issues and vegan proteins often have casings that cause bloating. Fermentation amplifies existing nutrients and allows easier digestion without the casing.
7. I was reviewing my race schedule this week and made a mental note that other than Albion Hills 5 Peaks race, I have nothing planned for races in July. Later that day, my friend asked me to do the sprint Spartan in Toronto and Genuine Health asked me to do a sprint triathlon so I will be doing two races the weekend of July 18. By doing, I mean participating. I am not an OCR racer but I like how they encourage me to keep strength training in my routine and as my only triathlon this year, I am excited to incorporate some outdoor swimming to prepare. Anyone else doing either of these races?
8. Sparking water is saving my life right now. I have a hard time drinking enough water and I love my Soda Stream. I drink at least a litre of the stuff a day and add lemons and limes for an extra delicious taste.
9. I’m currently reading Quiet: The Secret Power of Introverts and I am absolutely fascinated by the difference between introverts and extroverts. Not exactly a beach read, but it is an engaging and interesting read.
10. I sent away my RayBans for repair last week. Do NOT drop them, they do shatter. Even if you have had them less than a month. #lifelessons
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Do you do sit ups?
What are you currently reading?
Brittany says
What a cool race video, that shot of you with your bike in the dark screams badass. Have a GREAT weekend, and have FUN!
Meghan@CleanEatsFastFeets says
Good luck this weekend. I’ll be rooting for you from Cleveland!
lacesandlattes says
Thanks Meghan! I thought of you when I drove past those Ohio signs!
Jen says
Love that you said “only with the green light of the PT and doc” – most shouldn’t run through pain that is a 9/10! ASKING for an injury. I say it’s okay if the pain is a 3/10 (and we’re talking the ‘wrong kind of pain…not all the other pain that comes with running 🙂
May I ask how you got to be hooked up with New Balance?? It’s really impressive and I’m wondering how you guys do it…did you contact them or they find you through your blog? Good luck this weekend!
lacesandlattes says
Hi Jen,
Absolutely! I need my coach to tell me these things because I have made wayyyy too many mistakes in the past. Professionals are so necessary for me.
New Balance approached me at the beginning of the year to see if I would partner with them. It was a combination of relationship building, athletics and my blog but they are a phenomenal company and I am proud to be an ambassador for them!
Brittany says
I love sparkling water! I’m having undiagnosed stomach issues right now so carbonation is out, but I can’t wait to fire up my soda stream again. Sparkling water with lemon and basil is my favorite summer combo. It sounds weird but it’s so refreshing!
lacesandlattes says
Sparkling water with lemon and basil?! I am TOTALLY trying this. Thanks Brittany!