June Polar Performance Report – 2017
This is the last report before the Ironman.
Crossing my fingers I will be doing some good running on race day! Thankfully, my training has gone well, despite a few hiccups and I am going into the taper feeling confident.
June Training
Distance Covered: 1169 KM
Training Hours: 62
Swimming – 32 KM
Running – 220 KM
Biking – 1,009 KM
New/Interesting Places I trained and Raced
It was awesome to get on the course again and practice some race simulation. The elevation profile on that bike is no joke but I am feeling as ready as I can be. I chose this race because of the elements and the hills because I know I am more durable than I am fast. The worse the conditions, the better I tend to do in the field and I attribute this to adventure racing. That being said, I was HUMBLED while training. I am going into this ironman with a healthy amount of respect and understanding that this will be a huge accomplishment just to cross the finish line.
Alberta. I have an awesome post coming up but it was awesome to train at a higher altitude and get in some serious hill climbing on the run. Unfortunately, all that climbing made for a pretty angry tibialis posterior muscle in my left leg so I took almost a week off running. I would rather skip a week of running than jeopardise a race. Thankfully, it is all systems go again and I am grateful to have a few sports to launch myself into when I take some time off running.
The biggest thing I learned from the whole situation is that I was failing at athletic therapy. I did occasional foam rolling, stretching and dry needling, but if I am going to train at 10 + hours a week regularly, I need more regular sports massage so I have been adding that in and it has been making a world of difference.
I used the Polar V800 to track all of my track work, outdoor cycles and runs this month. On my bike, I use the Keo Power Bluetooth Smart Pedals and the heart rate strap to get accurate feedback for my work on the rides.
I tried training in the new Zante from New Balance this month and I have decided it just isn’t going to work for me. I am going to do the marathon in the 1400s which is a nice light racing shoe and will be a better choice for me.
I am a Performance Project athlete under the coaching of Dave Galloway.
I have been using TrainerRoad software on the bike for my Vo2 and threshold workouts on the bike.
I slammed my body with work this month. I had multiple weeks over 20 hours of training a week while doing a lot of travelling for work. I asked a lot and it delivered but I really shouldn’t have been surprised when I had a bit of a set back with my left calf/shin. Thankfully, I have had enough bad experiences to know that stopping and recovering is the best option so I threw as much therapy as I knew at it, alternated heat and ice and did all the stretches that were prescribed.
I had an awesome comeback one week later with a 30 km long run. I took it nice and easy to be cautious but it is all systems go again. Totally worth taking a full recovery.
I have been focused on sleeping hard and to be honest, I haven’t been watching my diet at all but have just been eating to replace the calories I burn. I have been adding some beet powder to smoothies each morning on the off chance that the science of it improving endurance is accurate but other than that, I have just been very relaxed about it all. I have been practising with race nutrition, using Hammer perpetuem, gels, endurolyte tablets and drinking water like a maniac to train my body to race in those conditions.
In regards to sleep, I have been out like a light. The best example is this recent facebook status update I made:
I am not going to lie, having a niggle in my leg put me in a dark mood. I hate when things don’t go well but it is a great example of what I should be expecting for Ironman race day – I have been told it is just a day of problem-solving and this was just another thing to solve.
I am feeling very strong, excited and confident in my training. Other than that wee set back, I have been feeling fresh, focused and ready for this thing to happen!
It’s taper time. I am slowly winding down training. This weekend is only a four hour ride and I will be on the Muskoka 70.3 course to cheer on racers. I am going to spend the down time that I would spend training by preparing for the race in other ways like practicing bike mechanics and doing some mental prep like going through some of the scenarios that could happen and what I will do to solve them.
When this Ironman comes, I will be ready. Thank you for all of the lovely supportive comments and helpful advice you have given me up to this point. You are all wonderful.
Happy Wednesday!
Ahh girl I’m so excited for you! I know you’re going to have an amazing race experience and now it’s just about trusting the training and giving your body what it needs during the taper. I wish I lived there so I could chef up all sorts of healing meals for you to eat between now and race day! Look after yourself this month, and have a great time on the Muskoka course cheering while you ride!
You are the queen of anti-inflammatory knowledge and I will be taking a page out of your book in the coming weeks!