Hi hi friends. How about a midweek Christmas shopping reminder? I have been pretty great with getting mine done but I have a few finishing touches to pull together. If you are anything like me, the hardest thing in the world is knowing what to GET people on your list. There are a ton of… Read More…
Pre Race Preparation for a Half Marathon
A half marathon is one of the most popular distances in the running community. 21.1 km is long enough to get into a running groove and feel a proper distance, but also short enough to be a good foray into the world of distance running and know that within a couple hours or… Read More…
Race Recap: A Midsummer Night’s Run
This was the hardest race I have run to date. This one, that is. 2:34 hours of 30 KM of city streets and trails by the lake. I heard about it from a co-worker and decided to give it a go as a stepping stone before my 50 K. Probably wise, considering my longest race… Read More…