A couple of years ago, I was at a race that will go unnamed but it was ruined for me because of the large amount of product marketing that was everywhere. Don’t be fooled, it isn’t the Paris Half Marathon of 2011 in the photo above (which was my first half marathon ever and I… Read More…
Goals for March 2014
It is hard to believe we have already arrived at Wednesday, friends! (It could have SOMETHING to do with the fact that I just flew in from Florida late last night – I am a sleepy girl today..) I feel like I have been broadsided by March, which means there is no better time than… Read More…
December Goal Review
Ok folks, lots of goal setting lately. At the beginning of the year, I always create a vision board with the main goals that I want to accomplish in the upcoming year. That is fabulous, but unless you make them measurable and quantifiable, it will be harder to make sure that they are reached. And… Read More…
October Goal Check in and 5 More for November!
Hi there! Hope you had a fantastic weekend full of relaxing or in some of your cases, running marathons!! I had a busy weekend taking some weekend extended learning courses, spending time with family and working at NIGHT\SHIFT, a project that I have helped create at my job. As we head into a time change… Read More…