When I first started adventure racing, I made three simple rules to follow during a race to prove I was strong enough to belong racing alongside my male counterparts: 1. I will not complain 2. I will not cry 3. I will not quit And so far, I have only kept one of them because… Read More…
Polar Performance Report: July 2016
SPORTS TRACKED: Cycling, Running, Swimming, Strength, Mountain biking RUN STATS: 182 KM Run Elevation: 1,864 M Run Hours: 14.5 Rest Days: 5 Longest Run: 21 km on Muskoka half marathon Shortest Run: 2.2 KM TT with Health and Performance Most enjoyable training run: I had a lot of really fun training runs this past month. I think maybe the best one was the… Read More…
Things I Am Struggling With Lately
Running is amazing. Lately I have been crushing workouts and feeling stronger and faster than ever before. I have been listening to my coach and it has been paying off. But that doesn’t mean that everything goes perfectly all the time. This past weekend, I ran a 5 KM race (and I will share the… Read More…
If we were having coffee: Laces and Lattes style
Ok. It’s time to interrupt regular posting to have a very frank chat. The blog feature of “if we were having coffee”? We are doing that right now. Except it would be a latte for me. I have a confession. I am not running right now. At all. It’s not that I don’t want to…. Read More…
Controlling Pre-Race Nerves
Heeeeey! It’s the weekend and I am so ready to get outside! We have been hit by a wave of lovely weather and the last thing I want to do is let it go to waste. I wanted to talk about something that I know a lot of runners deal with before a race, especially… Read More…
Why Speed Work, Works
What an awesome weekend, guys! I have no idea how I was able to cram so much in and still feel like I had a restful weekend. I had the 5 Peaks Rattle Snake race on Saturday morning (recap to come this Friday) and I was struck with an awful migraine that left me cancelling… Read More…
How to Make a Training Plan (And Stick With It)
Welcome to Monday! It was a weekend jam packed with running for me. I did the Creemore Vertical Challenge 25KM on Saturday morning (recap will be on the blog on Friday). It was a fantastic course and although it was a training run for me, I was excited to finish first female. Sunday, I spent… Read More…
Goals for June 2014
Whew. What a fantastic weekend. It was my birthday and I celebrated at a Jays Game, with Super Heroes, a big birthday party with some friends and some of my favourite runners! It was also my very first double race weekend, so that was a new challenge. I know it affected both race performances, but I… Read More…
Training with Racing Shoes
Hey friends, How was the weekend? I had a fabulous race and took in a couple trail runs with friends. Oh, and of course spent some time with mum. Last week, I received a fabulous question from a reader that I thought deserved it’s own post: Elite runners have race shoes and training shoes but… Read More…
Goals for March 2014
It is hard to believe we have already arrived at Wednesday, friends! (It could have SOMETHING to do with the fact that I just flew in from Florida late last night – I am a sleepy girl today..) I feel like I have been broadsided by March, which means there is no better time than… Read More…