I have had some heavy course loads in the past in university and even worked some 60 hr weeks at past jobs, but nothing has ever compared to the week I am going through. It is a huge week for work and I am devoting every spare ounce of energy and focus to that. Because I am… Read More…
Goals for July
Well this post is a little late. I would say I cared but I don’t. I really don’t. We are in the midst of a Canadian long weekend and I am in full out vacation mode. I went camping this past weekend and I had a wonderful weekend with friends full of sunsets, long trails… Read More…
Triathlons: Tips from the Nuun Team
Sometimes I find it easy to get stuck in a rut of sorts. I know how to run inside out so there is something so safe and cuddly about filling my weeks with intervals and long slow distance runs that I forget what it’s like to be scared and out of my element. Enter my… Read More…
RunWaterloo Classic 10 KM Review
Happy Friday!! It’s going to be another super busy weekend planned. Two races including my first triathlon, one run event in Toronto and a concert all rolled into two days. You always know it was a perfect weekend when you are exhausted on Monday morning… I apologize in advance – my instagram will be buzzing!… Read More…
Goals for June 2014
Whew. What a fantastic weekend. It was my birthday and I celebrated at a Jays Game, with Super Heroes, a big birthday party with some friends and some of my favourite runners! It was also my very first double race weekend, so that was a new challenge. I know it affected both race performances, but I… Read More…
Vision Board 2014
Happy happy 2014! How are the first few days shaking out for you? Yesterday, I put the finishing touches on something that I do at the beginning of every year – a vision board. You can check out last year’s here: Vision Board 2013. Basically, I take a look back that past year and evaluate… Read More…
Races in 2013
It’s the [almost] weekend!!! I am planning to teach a few classes, go to the Total Women’s Show in Waterloo and meet up with some friends for dinner so a busy weekend per usual. Back to fitness. Recently, I sat down to one of my favourite tasks of the year – plotting out my race… Read More…