Maybe it’s just me, but I hate the word report. I am making a bit of a change to my Polar Performance Report and just talking some of the biggest things that I have learned in my last month of training instead. My training is something that is always evolving and it is something that I… Read More…
ITU AG Duathlon World Championship Race Report
Yesterday, I received a life alert query from one of my readers so I figured it was time to check in with a blog post. I have been on vacation in Western Canada to compete at the ITU World Championships and to climb a mountain every day so I have been otherwise occupied. That being… Read More…
Mile 23: Actually No, I Don’t Want To Pay for Your Vacation
I chose this month’s Mile 23 photo because I look utterly ridiculous and I seem to have developed bingo wings. But we aren’t here to nitpick – the reality is, it represents a really fun, happy day for me where Mark and I decided to try a duathlon the week after our first 70.3 and… Read More…
2017 Race Schedule
I think I very well get the worst friend of the year award. Recently, one of my closest university friends let me know she was engaged and asked me to be a bridesmaid. My response was: “As long as it isn’t on one of my race weekends.” What I really meant was as long as it… Read More…