Day In the Life
I am nosy sometimes. I love when people do blog posts showing what they do in an average, simple day because so often we use blogging and social media to show the very best of ourselves and not the quiet, simple moments that make up most of the time in between.
So I thought I would do a Day in the Life post as well to show you what happens when I am not running races, graduating and doing exceptional weekend things. I chose the most mundane of weekdays – simple, middle of the week road Wednesday.
This is exactly what went down on Wednesday, October 17, 2012, documented through my Smartphone.
5:30 – alarm
5:40 – got out of bed
6:00 – arrive at gym. (Yes – I literally roll out of bed and go to the gym…)
6:15 – Cycle and Strength class begins
7:00 am – class ends.
Depressingly, the world is still black and rainy.
7:15 – arrive home, shower and head down to the kitchen, more often than not, to this:
Morning coffee is a source of drama in our household. My sisters and I are early risers – all up before 7 am and Megan is often the first one to make coffee. My mother is not a morning person and makes a beeline for the coffee maker, pouring out the old coffee and preparing a new batch. Except, in her morning haze, she has thrown out Megan’s steaming hot pot a few too many mornings and now every. single. morning, Megan creates a sign to mark her coffee territory. I pour myself a cup while rolling my eyes and get down to business.

I take a spoonful of this every morning. (It helps me recover from workouts because Omega 3 is anti-inflammatory.)
7:45 am: Get dressed for work and make lunch.
I normally have about three or four bags of stuff that I need to take with me every morning. It is one of the perks of living far away from everything, but I have gotten very efficient at being prepared for whatever comes and normally have it with me. I have become the best packer ever!
8:15 – hop in my car for the morning commute to the office. It is about a 45 minute drive but I love it! I spend it sipping coffee and listening to books on CD.
8:50 – arrive at the office.

I love this big mirror leading up to our office. It gives me a change to make sure I don’t have toothpaste on my face or toilet paper on my shoe before getting to work!
9: 00 – sit at desk.
[Insert work here]
11 am – Latte Break! (I’m Laces and Lattes, what do you expect?)
2 am – Took a late lunch today! Didn’t whip my camera out at the office (for obvious reasons), but I have amazing coworkers and have a blast at lunch sharing our favourite books and movies and races…yes – there are other runners in the office!

I always eat leftovers for lunch because almost nobody in my house likes them. I just grab whatever was for dinner the night before and make a salad or something out of it.
Kale salad with sausage and mashed potatoes and mixed veggies. Woo!
2:30- back to work.
This conversation happened somewhere during the day. *See amazing coworkers.
4 pm – left work early today because I needed to lead Cross Country Practice at the University.
After a short run, I hopped into the car and headed to teach my 6:30 pm Glide to Glam class.
6:30 – teach Glide to Glam class, which is like a boot camp with gliding discs under your feet. Such an amazing workout!
7:30 – class ends and I head home.
8:00 pm – arrive home to an amazing dinner with my parents.
and some chocolate – obviously…
9 pm – crawl into bed and do some reading and devotions.
I was in bed before 10 pm because I am up again at 5:30 for a yoga class in the morning. I do not always pack it in this early on a week night – for instance, tonight I am at the Greening Sacred Spaces Water Event and then going to see a movie with friends, but you can get a sense of a regular day in the life. I LOVE to be busy.
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What does an average day hold for you?
…You accomplish more before I wake up than I do in a day…And here I was giving myself kudos for being at work at 8:30 this morning…
Mornings are not my forté.
But think about what you do when Grandmother Jessica is slumbering at 10 pm. I am the worst night person EVER.
What Kaitlyn said. Jessica. You are an inspiration to me. You don’t know me but you seriously inspire me. (You might now my friends Krista and Kendra Byler…) I’m inspired for your dedication to running and working out. Another thing is that I see you as a someone that gives and gives out of who you are.
Wonderful post. I too love when people post about their average day. I might do a similar post in the near future. 🙂 Thanks!
Lovely to “meet” you and thank you so much for the kind words. I do it for the glory of God! 🙂