Weekend Recap: An Ode to Sunday
This weekend, I was thinking a lot about downtime.
As Jesse dropped me off after a friend’s birthday party on Saturday night, I asked him (with a day of work, tutoring and writing behind me) “Guess what we are doing tomorrow?”
“What?” he asked, with exhaustion and a clear tinge of irritation in his voice at the event that I again forgot to remind him of and was planning on dragging him to.
“Absolutely NOTHING!”
He grinned.
And that is exactly what happened. (Sort of).
We left early for church so we could stop at Starbucks and get our favourite lattes before church began. We stayed after the service and discussion groups to mingle with friends and catch up with their lives.
We went to a brand new restaurant for lunch and instead of ordering meals, just slowly ordered what we wanted, one by one, from the fresh menu and took a 2 hour lunch.
We went on a long walk.
We both took a nap.
We spent all evening cooking up a multi course meal and ate it slowly and watched a movie.
It was absolutely indulgent and completely what I love and need in a Sunday. Sometimes I spend my Sundays with family, sometimes it is helping someone out and sometimes, like yesterday, I just spent it with my best friend.
I love to live my life at warp speed, but the faster my life gets, the more jealously I guard my Sundays. For me, it is the one day where I can slow the pace of life down, unravel a bit of the stress and chose to do things the slow way, even if it is just for one day. I celebrate my relationships with those who are closest to me because they are often the first to get neglected when I am busy. I take the morning off to go to church because beyond so many other things, the simple routine, the loving people and the wonderful God are what help keep me grounded.
Sunday is my secret weapon to wake up on Monday and be refreshed, excited and ready to do the week all over again.
What is your secret weapon to staying balanced and managing stress?
Glad you got a chance to catch your breath! Sounds like a perfect way to spend a Sunday!
P.S. Did your dad give you the envelope I dropped off the other day.
AND..how is the recording studio going?!?!
This post really made me smile. I imagined myself living out that Sunday and also felt relaxed. We can live life at warp speed as you say, but we always need that day of simple routine and quiet to be able to handle life with grace the rest of the time. Loved this post, xox
Thanks Leanne! You are one of the people in my life who helps me figure out the calm. 🙂
Yes he did, thanks! I was sorry I missed you but the studio was AWESOME! It’s coming along nicely.
Sundays are a secret weapon for me, as well. Of course, I still have a child, and one never gets a day off from that. Landon, however, doesn’t usually do homework on Sunday, so he takes care of the Li’l Guy for the most part. Beyond that, I simply make a conscious decision not to worry about getting things done – we need to eat, and that’s pretty much it. 🙂