August Goal Checkin and 5 More!
Happy Monday!
I hope you all had a fabulously rested weekend full of sunshine, friends and delicious food! I had a busy, but satisfying weekend.
Sunday, I rose early and took advantage of the new sunshine and ran 32 km. I went to church and had lunch with a good friend. Lots of restful and not so restful relaxation that has me ready to rock today!
It is a week late, but there is no time like the present to check in with my goals from August and set a few for September, even though we are a week in!
In August, I was gung-ho to accomplish the following:
1. Soak up the last bit of the summer and spend as much time outdoors as possible.
Despite the cool weather, I was able to soak up the last few rays of summer with a cottage vacation and a mountain biking trip with my family.
2. PR my half marathon.
I completed it injury-free, and even though I didn’t finish in the sub-1:30 I was gunning for, it was a PR and I will just be sure to beat it next year. I know I will do better as I will focus more carefully on my pre-race nutrition and stay fuelled for the long haul!
3. Reorganize my room.
I need to stop trying to do things that require large amounts of my time…
4. Tweak my nutrition for running performance and recovery.
Getting there! I added more post-run protein drinks which I find really accelerate my recovery. I need to add more greens before I am completely satisfied, especially with the marathon looming.
5. Increase strength training for upcoming Mudder race.
Although I do not have as much plyometrics as I wish, I do have a weekly pilates class where I focus in on my core as well as a Friday morning weight session where I hone in on grip strength and upper body strength – two things hugely neglected by runners.
Overall, I am quite happy with my progress for August. Looking ahead to September:
1. Start a book club with my friend in Toronto.
One of my best friends in the world has moved to Toronto and I am going to miss her beyond belief. To combat the black hole that often occurs after friends are separated, we developed a book club where we will meet once a month to be all literary and stuff. My goal is to have the entire book read in the next couple weeks.. I just need to go buy it now.
2. Complete two races in a day.
You read that correctly. I found out that on the day of my Tough Mudder, I am also competing in an 8 hour mountain bike race at Hard wood Hills. This is where that whole proper nutrition thing comes into play…
3. Increase my mountain biking skills.
It’s not like I have an upcoming race or anything…
4. Get everything prepped for my Trail Running Series that I am leading at the end of September.
I am going to be putting together an 8 week trail running group beginning on Thursday, September 26 and ending on Thursday, October 31. It is taking new trail runners out on local trails, sharing tips and showing them the ropes on how to be a hard core trail runner! If you are interested, you know where to find me. The program caps at 8 participants.
5. Get a sports massage.
As my milage increases, so does my muscle aches, pains and waste. I have found a new, local massage therapist and I am hoping to get to her a couple times in September to keep me on track with my training.
What are your goals for September?
Ooh these are such exciting goals for September!! And you certainly had one amazing August. Congrats on the race (even though it wasn’t a PR – I see sub 1:30-s for both of us next summer!) and I think it’s awesome that you’re going to be leading a trail group! Can’t wait to hear how it goes!
Thanks Angela! I see a sub 1:30 race in our future as well – we need to run it together to make sure we both cross the finish line in fabulous time! 🙂
I have certainly read this post before, but maybe the picture didn’t load… Anyway, Diego is thrilled to have made an appearance on here!