Momentum Monday: Boston Training Begins!
Oh YEAH it’s Monday!
I had a stacked weekend of fun. I did my first hot yoga class of the year, my first race of the year and went to the Longboat gala!
Now that the whirlwind is settling, this is my training from the past week:
Monday: one hour cycle, 5 minutes abs (Every little bit counts!)
Tuesday: one hour swim (2.7 KM)
Wednesday: 45 minute run (8 KM), 15 minutes weights
Thursday: 1 hour swim (3 K), 45 minute run (8KM)
Friday: REST (easy 1 hr hot yoga class)
Saturday: 1 hour Frosty Trail Run

I did this one as an easy training run but it was so much fun to get out there and get some milage in! It was great to run into my buddy Jordan who I train with locally.
Sunday: 30 minute strength training session
All in all, a good week. I am still not back to running full tilt which is scary as Boston is creeping up, but I am more focused on making sure that I am building a solid base. I have my past marathon training to rely on and I know it will come back quickly, the most important piece is that I heal.
I am excited to start Boston training. Right now, my coach and I are taking my program week by week because it is vital to be cautious when you are coming back from a stress fracture, but my mileage is slowly but surely coming back and I am cross training as much as possible to maintain my fitness. This upcoming week is my very first week where I am adding some true milage and quality workouts back into the mix and I couldn’t be more excited.
A little bit of Boston chatter :
1. Has anyone seen the jackets this year? A sneak peek was released last week and I am not going to lie, I am a bit disappointed.
I will be honest, I was looking forward to rocking the classic blue and yellow jacket, but that just means I will have to go in an upcoming year when I can get another one!
2. This race is all about community for me. I have some very good friends running it, including lots of members from my Janji team. They provide so much inspiration along the way as they prepare and train. This week, one of my team mates, Pardon Ndhlovu, ran a 2:16:51 in the Houston Marathon, qualifying for the Olympic Trials.
We are so proud of him and it is a pleasure to learn the ins and outs of a marathon from him – although I will never dream of running it that fast.
I am also loving some of the resources from Runners Connect which offer course previews, hills workouts and pace calculators. This is a big race for me and I need all the help that I can get, especially as I am missing a number of weeks of training coming back from injury.
I’ve been spending some time playing around with the Boston Pace Calculator and strategizing my race.
What are your thoughts on the 2015 Boston jackets?
Wow, I”m surprised they strayed from the traditional colours! It’s a nice jacket but I’m definitely of the same opinion as you. As you said, I’m sure you’ll be back again for a few more. 🙂
Great post! Glad you found our resources so helpful! Hope you listen to our suggestions, it really will pay off later in the race if you are conservative the first half! Thanks for joining the linkup, and we look forward to following you in your journey. Keep checking back for new posts and articles 🙂
Kick ass week girl!! And I am surprised about the colour choice for Boston – but I do like the colours they chose. You earned it rock it!
I’m with you on the purple. Not cool. UGH. But, hey, I guess the purple will stand out as the Year Boston Changed their Jackets to Purple, so that’s kinda cool that you’re a part of that! And yes, your marathon foundation will surely help your Boston training. You sound like you’re being really smart with all of this. You’re going to do great!
I don’t even understand why they would change the colours. The blue and yellow is iconic, you see it and know it’s Boston. Don’t mess with a good thing!
I KNOW! It is so frustrating.
Uhh yeah, those jackets….not impressed. WHERE’S THE BLUE AND YELLOW!? Rude.
I wish they had done the blue and yellow too. But it’s waaaaaay better then last years orange and white! Those were hideous. In any event, it s my first (and maybe only) Boston, so I’ll buy the jacket anyway and wear it proudly for just getting to the starting line. Keep up the hard work and whatever happens come April 20th, you’ll have a great experience!
I can’t wait to run this with you! xo