Momentum Monday: The Toronto Bike Show
Aw yeah. The best thing about coming through one of the worst weeks ever is that you know it is ONLY uphill from here. This week, I am looking forward to NOT being in two car accidents, stroking some huge work projects off my list and hopefully getting my little car back and finding renters for my apartment. You know, the standard.
What do you do when you have had a terrible week? Lean on your friends who are really more like family anyways.
This weekend, I spent some time in coffee shops getting some solid advice from friends and went on a long hike on the beach with another. It is the little things and it all comes down to who is by your side. I am very fortunate.
I also headed to Toronto to spend some much needed time with this crazy crew.
I just needed to laugh it off and they absolutely delivered. I had a key workout on Saturday morning so I made sure I had a solid carb load dinner before bed and woke up early to get in a 32 KM.
I do not normally do a long run where it is more like a treasure hunt than a workout. We told stories, stopped for a picture and took snack breaks at 45 minute intervals. It was the most fun I have had on a long run this year.
But that is what running comes down to – the pure love of it. I had a solid workout, reached my pace goal and felt fresh right until the very end.
A fun watch feature on the Polar is Relive which allows you to see your run as a movie. This is a relived version of this weekend’s run.
Boston training is going very well and my coach sent me the second portion of it which is kicking my speed work into high gear. I am leaving the 4 minute km behind and starting into the 3’s and it feels amazing.
Looking at last week:
All in all, I am feeling excited about my training. It is going smoothly and I am excited for another quality week.
I did manage to stop by the bike show this weekend and stroke something off my bike needs list.
One of my goals is to improve on the mountain bike and I have a good pair of shoes to wear for a season of bike and adventure racing. I will be wearing these to Paris to Ancaster this spring.
I checked out a few of the bikes at the show.
I am looking forward to adding a few bike races to my schedule this year. It is one of my favourite forms of cross training.
If you want to join me at Paris to Ancaster, check out the code below for a discount.
What do you do to deal when the going gets tough?
What is your favourite form of cross training?
Happy you had a refreshing weekend and feel ready to restart this week!
And I am bummed I didn’t get to see you Friday!
I know! Michelle said I JUST missed you!
Ahhh sounds like you really had a tough week last week. I can only imagine. I’ve had crisis after crisis happen lately and the support that I got from a few close friends and family was the thing that helped me through it even if it was just a simple text from them checking in with me. I feel so blessed to have people like that in my life. Running is my outlet and helps me manage life when things get tough, but the love from the people close to me keeps me alive. I’ll do anything to help them if/when they need me. We are all in this together!
I know. It is totally the people in my life who get me through.
Ummm moving into the 3’s?! LAWD HAVE MERCY! You amaze me.
So happy things are looking up for you!! I’m hoping to see you this month. Ange is leaving so soon! I’m thinking I may make a drive to K-W soon to visit you guys!
I see you are coming to the party. SO happy about this. I miss you!
love this post! It’s a good digital memory of our first long run together