Friday Things – July Edition
This week is seriously fragmented with the Canada Day holiday on Wednesday. I am absolutely loving summer this year. I have done more to celebrate the nice weather this year than I have in a very long time. I spent the holiday at a friend’s house who was hosting a BBQ and we ate delicious food, played lawn games and saw fireworks. I am very proud to be Canadian.
As we head into another sun-soaked weekend, it is time for a Friday Things Post where I bundle up some of my random information that doesn’t belong in its own post. Without further ado… 1. This week, I was at a BBQ and my brother in law sent me this text. I rushed home to the most magical thing. He took an oreo with the frosted ends, put a Reese’s cup in between the two halves and covered the whole thing in Nutella.
I think the best moment was when my sister walked in the door, saw all the Nutella and Reese wrappers and just shrugged and made her own.
2. Speaking of family, my parents and I went to Whitby to tour the first Canadian government funded adolescent eating disorder unit. This is HUGE and something we have been lobbying for as a family for a long time – this means that extreme cases like my sister are able to get treated in the country instead of internationally which gives them more chances to integrate slowly back into their old environments and have more support and as a result, more chance of recovery. Our family has done a great deal of fundraising for eating disorders over the past decade and we have chosen this unit to support. We will be doing some exciting projects with them coming up!
3. This basically should be the Food Friday things. I recently made a batch of Cookie Dough Protein bars and proceeded to eat the entire batch in a day.
OK. I took them over to my friend’s newly purchased house and it was our lunch and snacks while we painted her living room until midnight. But still. I wouldn’t have wanted to eat anything else. I used peanut butter and fermented vanilla Genuine Health protein powder in mine.
4. There is the COOLEST run event coming to my town. It is a pop up run event for those among us who really don’t run that much but want to try an event.
We have stripped all of the excuses from this race: you don’t need to train because it’s a mile, there is zero pressure because it is a race geared towards non-runners and it is cheap (only $10!). I am putting together a team from my work place, but if you are running it and want to join, let me know! It conveniently is also Ribfest right afterwards, so you can celebrate in style! Sign up here.
5. This weekend, I am playing 18 holes of golf with my brother in law, getting in a long run and playing beach volleyball all afternoon. I love love LOVE summer so much.
What are you doing this weekend?
What is the most majestic dessert you have ever eaten?
#2- yay!!!