CanFitPro Giveaway and Cycling Update
Happy Friday!
It’s been an unusual week for me as I ditched my car and opted for a bike commute instead. I rode through thunderstorms, ran errands and maneuvered construction sites but I made it through alive and in one piece.
I’m not being facetious. I legitimately love mornings. Cycling has been a great way to integrate my workouts into my every day schedule but I did notice that I was more fatigued than usual due to an earlier wake up time and the fact I routinely hit 100% of my daily activity by 9 AM.
I am still waiting on the consensus of what is going on with my running injury and to see if it even IS an injury. I have currently stumped a sports doctor, a coach and a physiotherapist so I will keep you posted. One thing that is hugely beneficial for me is having exercise science education so when I am seeking help, I know exactly what they are talking about.
As athletes, exercisers and overall active people, it is important that we have the knowledge so we can prevent injuries, heal from them quickly and be as healthy as possible. It has been years since I have been a fitness and spin instructor, but I love to stay informed on the research and latest developments in sport because I attend classes and train.
One of my favourite events when I was a fitness instructor was the CanfitPro World Fitness Expo which is the largest fitness expo in Canada. I would head down to Toronto with a group of my friends and spend the weekend getting recertified, learning about new products and ideas and meeting some of the biggest movers and shakers in the fitness industry. One of the biggest surprises for me when I went was how many people attending the event were not fitness instructors or personal trainers, but just active people who wanted more education and a fun weekend.
Now that I am no longer teaching classes, I am so happy that it is open for anyone. One of my favourite things to check out is the Expo Hall! There are over 200 companies show up and you are able to get special pricing on your running shoes, sports watches and nutritional supplements. The expo is free for anyone to attend.
Once you are in the hall, there are endless educational sessions on anything you could want to learn about. For me, the hardest part was choosing which one to go to. There are three different stages with a speaker at each stage giving lectures, demos and nutrition talks.
This is such a great way to spend a weekend with like-minded people and I would love for you to experience it for yourself. From now until the event, I will be giving away passes for the registration. The pass has a value of $388 and gives you access to the Expo Hall as well as any educational seminar and event you want to attend.
The Expo Hall includes:
- Over 400 sessions of cutting-edge fitness education in personal training, group fitness, mind-body, nutrition, active ageing, club business, and more
- Featuring international presenters from over 5 continents
- Free admission, with online registration, to the Expo Hall where delegates and visitors can experience free education, sample products, demo equipment, and shop the best deals in the fitness industry
- Access to fitness competitions including The Element CrossFit Megacity Throwdown and Ontario Physique Association Natural Regional Championships
Just leave a comment letting me know what your favourite fitness class is and why!
A couple reminders before I head out for the weekend:
The Kitchener Mile is tonight!
It’s only $10 and you can race in the elite wave if you are trying to win or head out for a fun, easy run or walk in the open wave. I have put together a team of people and we will be walk/running it so if you want to join me, send a message!
Next Saturday is the Albion Hills 5 Peaks race. Sign up here.
This is argueable the best race in the series and it is going to be jam packed with awesome people. Use JESSICA for $5 off.
Have a great weekend!
This post has been written as a part of the canfitpro world fitness expo Ambassador Program.
I love boot camp classes. Great to fit it all in one session!
I can’t enter because I’m going to be Seawheezing that weekend, but I just have to say that I miss that conference SO much! As a Goodlife instructor, my favourite part was always LMI (Les Mills) Day because working out with all the master trainers was like going to a concert (perhaps even better!) but I loved all the other sessions too. I hope you had fun at the Kitchener Mile!
I just joined a new gym in Toronto and I have only tried a few classes there (I’m a runner through and through!). But my favourite was a class called Stacked, which combined a bunch of high-intensity moves and I felt every single muscle the next day as they were screaming at me. I’ll definitely be back though!
I have always wanted to go to CanFitPro! My favorite fitness classes are any interval style classes. I get bored in traditional cardio classes so I like to go to ones that mix it up.
I love barre classes and hiit workouts. Often I’ll do a quick body-weight circuit right after my runs if there’s a park nearby. I try to do yoga on my own but I wish I had the money to take classes.