September 2015 Goals
What. A. Weekend.
I was in Toronto for a training weekend which consisted of a 200 KM long ride, a long run with a Toronto run club and an overdue brunch and a coffee date with some friends.
I saw some leaves turning colours on my way to work today and although I am sad to say good bye to summer, it also means that fall race season is coming up which is my favourite of them all! I needed to miss it last year because of stress fractures and it makes me so excited to go into this year healthier and stronger than I have ever been!
I have some big plans for this season, but first, I wanted to look back on my goals for August:
1. Have a blast at Transrockies. A++ If I could give higher points for this, I would. You can read my recap here if you missed it, but seriously. It was the highlight of my year so far.
2. Volunteer A+ – I met with Ontario Shores this past month. I am volunteering in PR for them to help advocate for adolescent eating disorder awareness which is something I am so passionate about. Keep a look out for partnership and blogs coming up!
3. Celebrate my mum – A++. Even though I was out of country for her actual birthday, we threw her a HUGE surprise party at my childhood home and had all of her closest friends there. She was so happy.
4. Meet one of my internet best friends. A++
YES! And the best thing is that we went zip lining. The two of us are planning some exciting projects in the future so it was fun to shed work mode and just have some fun.
5. Go on the longest bike ride of my life. A++ This weekend!
What do I want to do in September?
1. Lower my pH. Seems like a strange goal but I am partnering with Goodness Me! and Genuine Health to take a 21 day challenge to lower my body’s pH. I will be measuring it daily, while increasing my greens intake as well as my greens +. I regularly take their protein and omegas but I have been slacking on the greens intake this summer and this is the perfect challenge for me. I will be checking in every Friday of September with an update on this.
2. Stretch and Core. Another challenge because I might as well, right? I have been slacking on the stretching and core work and I want to build 10 minutes into my day in September where I do foam rolling, stretching and core maintenance. I will bring it up on Fridays as well!
3. Get everything moved into my new apartment. I am moving tomorrow but I will have a bit of a journey to get everything the way I want it. I am purging some old things I don’t need and redecorating. I’ll give you all a tour when I am done!
4. Rock Ragnar – I have my very first Ragnar Relay in the Adirondacks with Nuun Hydration this month and I am looking forward to running and spending a weekend in a van with some of my best friends.
5. Train for Wilderness Traverse – This is my 24 hour adventure race with Team Ripkin that I will be competing in on the first weekend in October. To do well, I want to increase my mountain biking and spend some time nailing down my paddling technique. With over 35 miles of paddling a canoe in the race, I know I need to make sure I work on upper body strength and make sure I am strong.
6. Prep for a work event – Twice a year, we are overwhelmed at work with a huge event with thousands of people. I will be in Public Relations overdrive and I have so much to prepare for. I will be increasing my time at work this month so I want to make sure I am as efficient as possible.
What is up for you this month?
What was the biggest thing that happened in August for you?
Have you ever tracked your pH?
You will have so much fun at Ragnar! I can’t wait to do another one.
I may have a few questions for you! This is my first one!
Oh my goodness, you are so much fun!! I love the events that you are in, and I can’t wait to follow along! New blog follower 🙂
Thank you so much for stopping by, Katie!
Look at you, tackling all the goals this month – rockstar!! I hope the move went smoothly today, and I can’t wait to see photos of your new place! Also, that birthday party for your mom looks like THE BEST surprise. Your family are pure awesome, Jess. Tell her happy belated birthday for me! 🙂
Aw, thanks my dear. It was such a great surprise for her.
August was an AWESOME month and September is shaking out to be even better!