Weekend Training and Running Resources
Oh hello friends.
Thanks for the positive feedback on my non-running related post. For the rest of you, it is back to regular run-talk.
This weekend was one full of cross training! Friday night, I kicked off with a strength session at Revkor, going through yoga and strengthening movements.
Saturday morning, I got my bike all tuned at my local bike shop and headed to Toronto to meet my friend Todd for a spontaneous cross fit session. I have actually never gone to a formal cross fit class before so it was a lot of fun to go through the movements. We went to Academy of Lions and I was extremely impressed with the set up.
We were briefed on the class outline and taken through a dynamic warm up. After that, they went through some of the key movements that would be included in our WOD (Workout Of the Day). Our movements were kettle bell swings, box jumps, wall balls and rope pull ups.
We had a great class and I will certainly be trying another cross fit class, especially because of the incredible strength benefits it offers for runners rebuilding in the off season.
After that, we grabbed a quick coffee and met a group of friends for a cycle. We have an undying love for Cobs Bread and we planned a long ride from Toronto to Oakville to get some delicious carbs. 80 KM is a long way to go for a cinnamon scone but it is totally worth it in my mind.
Unfortunately, not everyone agreed, most notably, my friend Peter who demonstrated the issue of not having a properly fitted bike. His quote for the blog :
Valid. Any one else experience this when just getting into road biking?
The next morning, I headed to Tannenbaum 10 KM to cheer on runners and saw some extremely solid performances from runners including some wicked PRs.
I am loving the unseasonably warm weather we are having in South Western Ontario and if next year is similar, I will totally do this race – it is a speedy, level course with a great view of the Lake Shore.
Post-race, this happened again.
I absolutely have fallen in love with my bike and as cold weather comes, I will move the training indoors. Considering my living room currently looks like this, I am almost ready!
I wanted to leave you with some cool resources I have found last week for training:
It’s All In the Hips [Runners World] – Why you should be focusing on more than just foot strike.
Why Self Acceptance Matters – Great blog post on why self criticism doesn’t work to make you a better person.
One Athlete’s Quest for the Perfect Night’s Sleep – As a sleep evangelist, I absolutely loved this article.
Longevity in Ultra Running – How to fall in love with the sport and stay in the game long term.
Ever have issues with your “seat” in long distance bike riding?
What did you do this weekend?
Read anything cool lately? Share it below!
Thank you, Jessica!! Also, omg you’re inspiring! Whoa 🙂 Hope you have a great week friend!
Thank you so much, Andie.
As Mark Cullens Agent, all images of Marky Mark have an attaching $1.25 charge OR some Duff’s famous chicken wings.
Unless you are the photographer, in which case, the photo is my personal property. Don’t you have a sore bottom to attend to?
I’m his Agent and I own his Image Rights….. I want my chicken wings. AND my bottom is much better!!! I put the lotion on my skin so that I wouldn’t get the hose again
Deep apologies. Images of this Mark Cullen will no longer appear on this site.
Glad to hear things are recovering nicely.
Thank You. I own him
Wow what a weekend!!
And I have done Crossfit a few times and I really Love it. I have not done it in a while, because I have been healing from my surgeries, but it is something I would love to get into again, now that I have healed properly!
We should do a class together the next time I am in the city. It has been way too long since I have seen you.
Sounds like a fantastic weekend!! We are having a really mild December here in MI too, it’s going to be near 60 degrees this week and that’s crazy talk for this time of year.
You know, I have a friend that said we get your weather leftovers (from Michigan, of course)… So it does not surprise me that we are similar in weather!
Great weekend of training! Way to go.