February 2016 Goals and Love Grown Giveaway Winner Announced
Hey there, friendly faces!
I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I spent the weekend doing a solid mixture of work and play.
I have come down with a nasty cold so I am drinking a ton of Greens +.
Other than that, this weekend, I went XC skiing and trail running at Rockwood Conservation Area which was a new spot for me. It was a great little trail system and a perfect day to be out there. I also had brunch with a few lovely blogger buddies and a lunch at a spot that had lemon ginger kombucha on tap. So overall, a quality weekend.
We are into the second month already of 2016 and I have been focused hard on the goals that I set for the year. I set out the main plan in January and now is the time where I start breaking them down into mini goals to make sure I keep on track. Here is what I am gunning for this month:
Stretch and foam roll 3 x a week.
I know this is for the entire year but I am already failing at this one so I am making it the first one! I took in a yin hot yoga class last week at Goodlife Fitness where you hold each pose for 5 minutes and I will certainly be doing it again. I am now at two speed sessions a week so it is important for me to take the time to roll out my muscles to help me to be fully recovered for the next one.
2. Meet with my financial advisor and increase savings percentage.
Another one of my goals this year is to increase my savings percentage and there is no time like the present! I find I am disaster prone enough that it is vital to make sure that I plan ahead.
3. Do my first snowshoe/orienteering race as lead navigator.
I am doing the Symons Snowshoe Adventure next weekend and dragging Mark along as a team mate. I am assuming it is Brad’s way of ensuring I am stronger for co-nav but it IS one of my goals to improve on this.
4. Try racing something I’ve never raced before.
Theme of the month is hauling Mark to races where my ability level is questionable. The final weekend of the month, we are headed to Michigan to race a winter triathlon with Kim, Karen, Nikki and a bunch of my other friends in that area. We will be snow shoeing, XC skiing and fat biking.

It was this crew that is partially to blame for my adventure racing and I love them for it. My first race on a mountain bike was in Michigan at a Switchback Endurance course. I’m never not pushing boundaries with these wonderful people.
Read my recap on my second time ever on a mountain bike, in a race here. What could go wrong?

I look a LOT more confident then I was feeling.
5. Catch up with some local friends.
With my travelling, training and work, I have had a difficult time getting caught up with some of my friends. This is the month to change that and I have some gym dates, coffee dates and birthday party plans to throw down and get sorted including the two lovely ladies above who both have winter birthdays.
So there are the goals. Now. Let’s talk my Love Grown Foods giveaway.
The winner is Alyssa!
Alyssa, I sent you an email and am excited to hook you up with some cocoa crispies!
Happy First Week of February, everyone!
[…] It also means it is time to look at my goals for March and also take a peek back at how I did in February. […]