Goals for September 2016
Happy weekend, everyone! This will be my last post for a while so I will try to make it a good one! I’m headed out on a long weekend road bike trip and on Tuesday, I am headed to Carleton-sur-Mer to race Raid Internationale Gaspesie. Watch the video to see what I am doing. I am SO FREAKING EXCITED!
Tomorrow, I am headed out to do a 500 KM road bike trip this weekend with Mark. We are biking from Waterloo to Collingwood to Kincardine to Waterloo over the next three days. We are fitting in some visits with friends and lots of adventures and it will be a good final push to the race.
I will be updating my Instagram and Instagram Stories with lots of updates from the bike trip and my big race so be sure to follow along there if you are interested.
Anyways, let’s talk about goals. Every month, I try to lay out a few things I want to accomplish and it helps to keep me on track with where I want to go for the year.
For August, I wanted to:
Run a half marathon PR
You better believe I did! I took almost 6 minutes off my past time with a time of 1:27:28 at Sea Wheeze in Vancouver. You can read the race report here.
See Vancouver for the first time

Photo cred: Christina [theathletarian.com]
Go to a Blue Jays Game
I did and they lost and I didn’t even care. It was awesome to get out to at least one game of my favourite baseball team!
Celebrate the weddings of some of my closest friends
August was wedding month for me! I have one more in October but it was awesome to celebrate the coming together of some of my favourite people this month.
Write down one thing I am grateful for each day
I wrote it down the first day, but after that, I found that I would stop and take a meaningful moment to think it through. This was a fantastic way to keep my days from appearing mundane. Every day has something awesome in it and this was an exercise that proved that.
September is here and all I can say is buckle UP. It is going to be a whirlwind with two major races and the biggest work event of the fall for me. I am READY!
Successfully complete my first international, 4 day adventure race.
I am peacing out on Tuesday, the opening ceremonies and map distribution is Wednesday night and the prologue begins on Thursday. I have been told that in past years, it begins on a beach with a mad sprint in bike shoes to our bikes where teams proceed to bike up a mountain. I am ready for anything! It is a stage race, so we will be spending our evenings at camp surrounded by teams from all over the world. We have a personal support crew for our team that cooks our meals and sets up our camp so all we need to do is focus on plotting out our maps, prepping our gear for the next day and recovering.
You KNOW I will do a full recap when I am back, but like I said, I will be posting updates on my social media channels.
Clean out my closet and dresser, purge what I don’t use and host a clothing swap
I am a minimalist. I hate shopping. I turn down a lot of blog opportunities because I only like to own what is useful and things I need. Which means that every spring and fall season, I relentlessly attack my closets and my rule is that if I haven’t worn it in a year, I will remove it from my closet. This year, I would love to extend that a bit and add a clothing swap to have some friends over to drink some wine, swap some clothes and get caught up!
Run a strong Ragnar race in Adirondacks, NY
I am headed to New York with these crazies in the second last weekend of the year so I am looking forward to a “family trip” and laying down some strong legs for the team. My training has been on point lately so I am hoping that it can continue for this event.
Successfully execute a huge 4 day work event
Every fall, we have a huge work event that takes a lot of my time and attention. This year, I am even more involved than normal and making multiple presentations so it will be a fun challenge to make sure everything goes smoothly!
You crushed August! Good luck at Ragnar.
Thanks Jen!
What an awesome month – and no surprise that you loved Vancouver and crushed the half marathon! Hope you have a fantastic September. Sounds like a great mix of health/fitness, life and work goals. August was a bit of a whirlwind with travel in BC and to PEI… The next 5 weeks i’m really just focused on staying healthy, eating well, and nailing my training before the marathon come October. I’m also looking at starting some consulting outside of work with a friend in communications and we’re planning to kick this off in September so that will be exciting!
Oh! I can’t wait to hear more about this consulting thing. All the best!
GO TO VANCOUVER again, and then tell me. I’m like three hours away!!
No WAY! OK. This is happening next time.