October Coffee Date
Heyo- welcome to Friday!
Last week, I got a standard text from my adventure racing team mate, Brad Jennings.
As you can see, I never know if it is a training weekend, a race or a back country adventure with him. But after finding out that he wants to just go run one of the hardest trail runs in Ontario as a casual Halloween party ultra, I did the only thing you really can do and assembled a group of people who are just as nuts as he is. So I am headed off to Killarney to camp tonight and will spend most of Saturday running and all of Sunday celebrating. Yes, we will be running in costumes and yes I know I am in my off season. That is actually the best part! We are doing it at an easy pace and I have another entire month to recover before my training starts up for next season. I’ll be sharing lots of content on my instagram over the next couple days.
(As a side note and disclaimer, I did a number of 200-500 KM races this year so I am riding the base from that in my off-season. I do not recommend my life choices if you are going in cold turkey.)
Anyways, if we were having coffee, I would probably lead with this one, but let’s chat about a few other non running related things. (As a side note: this is paid promotions free. I just really like this stuff.)
Best Book I Read This Month
Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday. I recommend it to everyone. This is one of my favourite passages from the book:
All of us of regularly say yes unthinkingly, or out of vague attraction or out of greed or out of vanity.
Because we can’t say no because we might miss out on something if we did.
We think that yes will let us accomplish more when in reality, it prevents exactly what we seek.
All of us waste precious life doing things we don’t like, to prove ourselves to people we don’t respect, and to get things we don’t want.
As a yes person, this resonated with me. I love my life and I love all the opportunities that have come my way because I AM a yes person. But I have started to become more selective with what I say yes to if it doesn’t align with my goals and what is important to me in life. Being confident that no experience is a once in a lifetime experience because each year, I keep being able to do bigger and better things when I keep on the path that is the right one for me.
Currently watching
Best explanation of adventure racing I have ever seen.
I also saw Gun Runners in theatres and highly recommend it.
Currently Eating
Larabar bites. They come in Cherry Chocolate Chip, Chocolate Macaroon, Double Chocolate Brownie and Mint Chocolate Truffle (my favourite). I will be taking all flavours on the adventure this weekend and highly doubt there will be anything left.
Currently drinking
ALL THE WATER. See last post. (Also, another side bar, as this post seems to be full of them. I am NOT fuelling for my adventure this weekend with lettuce. I spoke with my sports nutritionist when we put the plan in place and I am breaking from the detox for the time I am running in order to fuel properly.)
Currently wearing
eShakti. Because I do not profess to be fashionable, I strive to have properly tailored clothes at the bare minimum. I attended a large number of weddings this year and I wear dresses almost daily at my workplace. I discovered eShakti earlier this year and it is where I buy a lot of my office wear. It is SO affordable considering it is custom.
Favourite Song this Month
How about you? What is new in your life?
Enjoy the La Cloche trail – it is such a magical and beautiful place!! It’s where I go to put myself back together. Best park in Ontario, hands down. Good luck and be safe!! Not gonna lie, I’m a little envious right now! Lol ?
Ha – no promises that it will pull me together but I am so so looking forward to it. We will have to have a phone call and I will tell you all about it.
Yes please! Next week for sure. I will bug you when you’re back from adventuring in my happy place, and we’ll pick a time ?
Have fun!!