May Coffee Date
I had facebook remind me this week that it was exactly a year ago that I decided to do my first 72-hour adventure race to celebrate turning 27. This year, instead of hallucinating in the cornfields of Iowa, I am drinking lattes at a work conference which may be a nod to how much older I am.
I figured it was time to touch base with another coffee date and just talk about life. So grab a conference coffee and let’s chat.
What I am reading
I took a detour from the non-fiction I have been enjoying and checked Don’t You Cry from the library. I had a few reader requests that I do a mini review when I put it on my Instagram story so here you go: It was phenomenal. Appropriately creepy, complete page turner and unexpected ending. I read it in less than a week and considering the amount of time I have to commit to reading, this is a big deal. Highly recommend.
What I am Eating
Hands down, the most delicious thing I ate in May was the french toast stack from Art Is In after the Ottawa marathon.
Currently getting better at
Athletic therapy.
This past weekend, I started to feel a mild shin splint in my left leg out of the blue that reminded me that I have fallen off the injury prevention wagon. I am ramping up my training for Ironman so niggles do come and go but that doesn’t mean I ignore them. The moment I feel anything, I assess if it is something I can keep running through and think about the last time I switched shoes. In this case, I am icing, getting weekly dry needling treatments, being smart with my foam rolling and decreasing my milage a bit. It has already become significantly better which shows that prevention and early treatment works. I have zero time for anything but consistent training.
Perhaps most importantly, I have discovered the root cause of the issue which has to do with my gluteous medius and minimus and have been doing some therapy to improve this.
Best photo taken this month
Some of my favourite people at the finish line of the Ottawa marathon. It was a perfect weekend of amazing food, catching up and great training.
Currently obsessed with
Cycling. Guys. I freaking love it. I love weekend long rides where you realise that you cover 120 + km and get to see so many beautiful places.
Favourite podcast
Almost 30. This is such an entertaining podcast that sometimes I completely forget that I am learning anything.
Best thing on the internet this month

Omg– I’m just getting into cycling! Would you consider writing a post for newbies? I’m a longtime athlete but I have never cycled before! Like clipless pedal tips, training tips, etc.?
I’ve been looking for a new book too so I might just pick that one up!
Hey Mikey,
Absolutely. I will write one this month. 🙂
That french toast looks phenomenal!!!! I wish I could find more bike paths away from roads – I still can’t get over that fear.
To be honest, it is probably a good thing that you don’t get over that fear. 😛 And the french toast was UNREAL.
I second Mikey’s comment! I would love a post about biking.
And thanks for the book recommendation. I’m always looking for page-turners so I’ll pick that one up after I finish the one I’m currently on!
Ha, biking post coming right up!
You will LOVE the book.