August Coffee Date
I know it is officially Pumpkin Spice Latte the first (really, Starbucks?) but I wanted to do a quick recap on August before it was too late. I came back from vacation and everything happened all at once. My personal, blog and work inbox was crammed. We were rolling out an important campaign at work and some big projects were due like, yesterday. My bike needed to be reassembled and re-tuned. I needed to start planning some of my big race events for fall. And I am jumping into an endeavour which required lawyers and real estate agents and committee meetings.
Oh. And I had to visit this little guy…
Enough of busy talk. Let’s chat some of my favourite things for August.
Favourite Song
Only Martin Garrix could write a song about pizza and have it top the charts. I love strings and this song is perfect.
Currently Reading
Well, in par for my goal in August, I have been reading a lot. I read The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo (pretty good), Crazy Rich Asians (unexpectedly awesome) and the 4 Hour Work Week (Tim’s sassiest book but so good). I just cracked open Essentialism and that will probably be my pick for September.
Currently Watching
I have stumbled across some TV GOLD this summer but the one that I have been consistently watching is the Handmaids Tale. This is a deep show and I pace myself with it. I read the book and I am adoring the TV show. Highly recommend but just know it may be disturbing. (But being unsettled about important issues can be a good thing).
I also just added a new favourite movie to my list. I have only had one up until this point and I have added Atomic Blonde to the list.
Favourite Picture this Month
My west trip was exactly what I needed and I could have stayed forever. Those mountains though…
The downhill mountain biking was a bit of a learning curve but I was more confident as I went along and now I am counting down the days until I can do it again!
Favourite Podcast
Sick Boy is an awesome podcast that uses dark humour and breaks down stigmas surrounding illnesses. This resonates with me from my sister’s experience with anorexia and some of my close friends who are battling cancer, depression and other illnesses. They tackle everything from crack addicts, severe sleep paralysis to body dysmorphic disorder.
Currently Wearing
The last weeks of August, I crammed as much summery style clothing as possible into my wardrobe but now that fall is hitting, I will be transforming into your basic female in September – scarf, boots and a coffee. The only truly unique thing about it is that it won’t be pumpkin spice – I hate anything pumpkin!
Best Thing on the Internet This Month
You can get a properly domesticated fox. Everything you NEED to know is here.
The little boy is so cute! I can’t believe someone wrote a song about pizza. I will definitely be giving it a listen today on my run. Have a great weekend!
I may be biased, but I think he is pretty darn cute myself…
Enjoy the song – I love the rhythm!