Again, you guys are so incredibly supportive. Injury scares are the WORST and I don’t even want to pretend that I am not the most accident prone athlete ever. I think it boils down to the fact that I love doing it SO MUCH that I ignore moderation. (Not recommended). I wanted to chat today… Read More…
Recovery Post-Marathon
It is depressing to me that this is the second last week of August. Where did my summer go? What is NOT depressing to me is how fast I was back on my feet after the marathon. I had some sharp IT band pain the day of after I was done but I was doing… Read More…
Making fish taste like candy
When it comes to all natural supplements, I have been a marketers dream. Tell me it will decrease inflammation, increase antioxidants, lubricate my joints or clear my skin and it is down the hatch. I have suffered through kelp mixed with water, oregano oil under my tongue until it burned, and drinking a series of… Read More…
Dealing with Problem Skin
I am fortunate to work with naturopaths at both of my jobs. Unfortunately for them, I am a curious human being and have a myriad of questions for them almost always. One of my close friends at work is going through to be a certified health coach and has undertaken my skin as one of… Read More…
Day In the Life
I am nosy sometimes. I love when people do blog posts showing what they do in an average, simple day because so often we use blogging and social media to show the very best of ourselves and not the quiet, simple moments that make up most of the time in between. So I thought I… Read More…