Hey! Three cheers to hitting the ground running. I just found out that I may need to move this weekend (long story) so this week will be another one of taking life events as they come. This past weekend, I took in a concert on Friday night. The Broods in case you are a music… Read More…
Momentum Monday: RUMBLE Giveaway
Hey there, friends! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I got in a solid long run and it was hands down the best long run of 2015. Everything felt great and 24 km sailed by. I ate a bowl of Love Grown cereal before and that was new for me. I am going… Read More…
Momentum Monday: I’m BACK!
Well hello there, friends! It’s a holiday Monday here in Ontario and I am relaxing and enjoying some time with family and some people I consider family today! It was a bit of a non-stop weekend here including a night out to celebrate my some of my best friends birthday’s! We met in university and… Read More…
Momentum Monday: Love Grown Giveaway
We are fast tracking through February! It is a good thing because I happen to be the worst Canadian ever. Give me heat and humidity over snow and ice any day! This weekend, I did a double run, took in my first NHL game of the year and did a volunteer event with House of… Read More…
Goal Setting for February and Goodlife Fitness Giveaway!
Happy Monday everyone! It was an eventful weekend, including a long run, going out with friends, a hot yoga roomie-date with Ange and a birthday party celebration at home for my little sister. Last week’s training was hard mentally. My coach reigned back my running because I am still in full on recovery mode and… Read More…
Momentum Monday: Boston Training Begins!
Oh YEAH it’s Monday! I had a stacked weekend of fun. I did my first hot yoga class of the year, my first race of the year and went to the Longboat gala! Now that the whirlwind is settling, this is my training from the past week: Monday: one hour cycle, 5 minutes abs (Every… Read More…
Momentum Monday: Muay Thai Workout for Runners
Well hello friends! Welcome back to another awesome week in 2015. I hope you had a fabulous weekend. I kicked it off with my first ever experience with Cards Against Humanity. And awkwardly won the whole thing so I am trying not to dwell on what that means about me as a person.. Saturday, I… Read More…