So here’s the thing. I am not all that great at reading directions. Those who know me well are making sarcastic sounds indicating that this is the understatement of the year and I don’t blame them. It’s true! I learn by DOING. In fact, I once had a friend tell me: “Jess, you are not… Read More…
Goal Setting for November
Well hello friends. I hope you are well rested and ready to tackle the week with the extra hour you had this weekend. I spent some time checking out a new restaurant in Kitchener called Pure. I had the Chic P Zen bowl with Angela and Nina. Sunday, I headed to Hamilton to cheer… Read More…
Running in the Winter
Well hello there! I hope you had a fabulous weekend! I had more a of a low-key one as I spent a lot of time getting writing done and spending time with friends and family. Last week was my first training session with my new coach. It was a fabulous group of local athletes and… Read More…
Genuine Health Giveaway – CLOSED
Hello there! It has been a crazy week so far – it is the first week back to the regular grind and normal training schedule and I feel as if I have been playing catch up! Now that I am back to my regular training schedule to prep for racing this year, it is more… Read More…
The Importance of Cross Training for Runners
It is easy to get caught up in your training plan and forget that you can do an activity outside of running. Tempo run on Tuesday, Hills on Wednesday, Long Run on Sunday, and on the list goes. But what happens when you start feeling those niggling pains and muscle tightness? If you are anything… Read More…
Pre Race Preparation for a Half Marathon
A half marathon is one of the most popular distances in the running community. 21.1 km is long enough to get into a running groove and feel a proper distance, but also short enough to be a good foray into the world of distance running and know that within a couple hours or… Read More…
The Definition of Insanity and other weekend adventures.
I just returned from a fabulous weekend away with my family. We were all sitting around the table for dinner one evening and Max (my sister’s fiance) remarked how ridiculous it is that we need to drive 3 hours away in order to all be together as a family. We all agreed, but it is… Read More…
A Giveaway: Pave It Forward
Not too long ago, Pavement Runner decided that he had too many books. He bought a new one that was so great that he needed to share it and thus, the Pave It Forward Giveaway was formed. The premise is simple: win the book, read the book, review the book, and give it away to another… Read More…