I am a proud owner of the bright orange headband that is only awarded to the insane realms who believe that crawling through mud and racing through elements makes for a fun Saturday afternoon. I completed the race on Sept 28 with a friend that I met in one of the classes I taught. She… Read More…
September Goal Checkin and Five More!
Hello everyone! I hope you had a wonderful weekend and you are recharged and refreshed for the week. I had a bit of a different weekend. On Saturday, I headed up to Mount St. Louis Moonstone to compete in a Tough Mudder event. I will be doing a recap later, but although it was certainly… Read More…
August Goal Checkin and 5 More!
Happy Monday! I hope you all had a fabulously rested weekend full of sunshine, friends and delicious food! I had a busy, but satisfying weekend. Sunday, I rose early and took advantage of the new sunshine and ran 32 km. I went to church and had lunch with a good friend. Lots of restful and… Read More…
July Goal Check in and 5 More!
Happy Holiday Monday! Part of me hopes you are no where near a computer to read this and are exploring or taking a nap somewhere (two equally important holiday things). But since you are hear, I will try and make it worthwhile. This past weekend has flown by. I knocked a few important things off… Read More…
Strength Training for Runners
I think one of the most confounding things about obstacle races to me is that they appear to join two opposing things: Strength work and running. I am not saying that they cannot be combined and I am interested to observe it all in September when I do Tough Mudder, but by all appearances, it… Read More…
The “Fun” Run? AKA the one where I am a running diva
I think it all became clear the moment that I was given my own playroom. I had a beautiful wooden toy-box, full of brightly coloured, plastic things that lit up, spun and made noises. According to my parents, I marched over and promptly unloaded every single piece onto the ground and proceeded to fill it… Read More…
The massage therapist who didn’t give a massage
One thing I am finding out about myself as I grow into my adult life is that I don’t trust my decisions enough. I am still learning everything there is to know about me as an adult. I knew me pretty well as a teenager, but there is nothing like belly flopping into the real… Read More…