Goal Setting for September
Happy holiday Monday everyone!
I am blissed out this weekend, spending time training, relaxing and with friends and family. Basically the perfect holiday.
It is so hard to believe that we are headed into September, but I saw a pumpkin spice latte at my local Starbucks the other day, so it must be true. What that means is that it is time to take a good hard look at my goals and make sure I am on track going into fall!
PR and BQ my marathon: Done and Done. My last marathon was 3:34:something and this one was twice as hard and I raced it in 3:21:36. I have my sights set on another huge PR for my Scotiabank marathon so stay tuned!
Do some networking for work: I have begun regularly meeting with a business mentor who is more successful than I could ever imagine and she is teaching me the basics of this whole new world that I like to call my “big girl job.” I am having a blast, but if there is one thing I have learned, it’s that life is a whole lot easier when you have a coach.
Rest: Nailed it. I literally spent the entire day before the marathon in bed, eating. It has been incredible to watch my resting heart rate plummet as I incorporate more rest and relaxation into my life. I have a high stress job and a stressful training plan – I need to make sure I take time to recharge.
Get organized: Uhhhh. Still getting there. I have been working with my developer and we are getting ready to roll out some exciting changes, but sometimes things take a lot longer than I think they should in my head. (Read: everything.) Regardless, I have made some strides and it should be ready to roll out soon.
Dive into a big project: This has been a crazy month of learning and growing on the public relations front and I am excited to continue to learn more. I have been working on an adventure expedition alongside my close friend who is a sports agent and I am confident I am learning from one of the best. J
Whew. So, now that we are staring out at September, what do I have on tap?
1. Take up martial arts. I know what you are thinking …where did this one come from? I put it on my 2014 vision board to learn self-defense and this is just my first step into the world of martial arts. I am beginning at a local Muay Thai gym to learn the foot work and movements and moving to Krav Maga when I feel ready. I love the idea of being as fit, strong and fast as possible and this one is just a bucket list item I need to stroke off! Besides…I already have the gloves for it!
2. Do a safe build for Scotiabank Marathon. September is the training month that matters. I am going to be training my face off to get my mileage high so I will be dropping off the side of the earth socially as it is one of the busiest work months for me as well. I may as well retitle September as Do Work.
3. Have one free week night a week. This is an ambitious goal but it is going to happen. I have begun scheduling one night a week in my calendar as BUSY which is a night where I do nothing but train, work on blog stuff, my side projects or just read a magazine. This means using that very foreign “no” word more than I want to, but I realized through my last marathon cycle that I cannot safely train and work when I have too many other things going on.
4. Check in with my hyperthyroidism. I have been neglecting this area of my health for a while mainly because of busyness. I have scheduled an appointment to check everything out and make sure that I am managing everything correctly. I will be doing a post this month on how hyperthyroidism affects how I train.
5. Celebrate! I have so many awesome people in my life who have some big birthdays this month so I have some fun celebrations planned and my goal is to give them the best gifts and best birthdays ever.
6. BONUS. Play squash once a week. In case you haven’t caught on, my workouts are quite social. I am beginning a weekly squash night with a friend who is much better than I and is willing to hone my skills. Because I am not that excellent at team sports but love competition, squash is a perfect sport for me to work on my plyometrics and explosive power. It also is going to be great to establish a workout schedule that will follow through the winter.
How about you, any goals for September?
What was one thing you did in August that you are proud of? Brag a little!!
Ok, can we talk about 1) how epic that finish line photo from the marathon is, and 2) how much I love your pink boxing gloves? Both are awesome! As for goals, it’s funny you mention your hyperthyroidism because I keep meaning to make an appointment at my new doc’s office. I’m a little suspicious that my iron might be low again and I just want to be sure there isn’t anything else I need to be concerned about! And lastly, I’m confident you’re going to PR at Scotia. If you can run the hilly EndurRun as fast as you did, STWM will be smooth sailing!
Great minds think alike. The two of us will be ready to rock for STWM!