Clever Halloween Costumes for Runners
Although I have never been one to celebrate Halloween that much, being a fitness instructor has forced me out of my comfort zone.
Regardless, I have found myself donning wings, halos or masks and leading classes, routines or running clinics to keep moral high (and plus anyone who knows me, knows I love to celebrate anything!).
If you are a regular reader, you know that I lead a trail clinic and this week, it just so happened to land on Halloween. Although I was not overly creative due to the rain, I went as a butterfly.
The pictures were taken post run after being in the rain for about 2 hours, so please forgive the quality – I had a hot shower on my mind and photo quality wasn’t high on the priority list!
In the spirit of wearing awesome costumes for running, I decided to collect the zaniest, most clever runners costumes that I could find for you instead.
Road Kill
A few other ideas for next year:
The Halloween Costume Guide for Runners – Runners World – Some fantastic suggestions and how-to`s ensuring that you will have the best costume on the track!
Halloween Costumes for Runners – Caitlyn wrote this fun post a number of years back with a great overview of costumes!
Have you ever dressed up for a run? If so, what did you go as?