New and Awesome: Love Grown Mighty Flakes
I love change.
I know that this may sound ridiculous but I honestly think it is part of being a twenty-something. I am not exaggerating when I say that it feels like my entire life changes week to week. The highs are so high and the lows are something to be reckoned with.
All in all, I wouldn’t change my life or the people in it for a thousand years and when change happens, I square my shoulders and say BRING IT. Because when you have enough changes in life, you start to realize that change means growth and growth means being a better human.
So when I received word that Love Grown Foods was changing their cereal supply to include some new goodies, I chalked this up to a very good thing indeed.
Most mornings, I leave my apartment at around 5:30 to go to the gym to run or lift during the winter and head to the office where I eat Love Grown oats at my desk. As the weather gets better though, I transition from my morning oats at my desk to eating cereal while I curl my hair or pack my lunch for the day because multitasking is life.
With nice weather right around the corner, I am priming my cereal consuming engine and getting ready to enjoy ALL the grains!
So what exactly ARE Mighty Flakes?
They are the first flaked cereal that does not contain wheat or corn.
It is made with a three bean blend of navy beans, lentils, and garbanzo beans, as well as brown rice and white rice. They come in 5 different flavours:
• Frosted
• Chocolate Joy
• Strawberries & Flakes
• Cranberry Almond
• Bean Flakes
I sampled 4 of the 5 flavours. The Frosted, Strawberries & Flakes and Chocolate Joy are delicious with regular milk or almond milk. The Bean Flakes are unsweetened and I need me some sweetness so I often use Dutch Chocolate Rumble instead of milk and get an extra dose of protein while I am at it!
Despite all this change, one thing has always remained the same and that is that I always prefer to consume my cereal with the utmost style and grace…
I will be hosting a giveaway of the new products soon and I can’t wait for you to try them!
What is your favourite way to dress up unsweetened cereal?
I love cereal. I don’t dress up cereal as much as I love mixing a bunch of different kinds into my bowl.
I don’t often dress up cereal, but usually it’s with a sliced banana or other fruit on top 🙂