Polar Performance Report – August 2016
SPORTS TRACKED: Cycling, Running, Swimming, Strength, Mountain biking
Run Elevation: 2,043 M
Run Hours: 19
Rest Days: 3
Longest Run: 21 km at Sea Wheeze Half Marathon
Shortest Run: 2 KM Grouse Grind
Most enjoyable training run: I think the best training run was running the race course while the triathletes and duathletes raced in Bracebridge as a final progression run before my half in August.
New/Interesting places I raced and trained: Vancouver, BC, Bracebridge, ON
Cycling KM: 456 km
Mountain Biking KM: 255.7 KM (Huge increase over last month)
Strength workouts: 3
SeaWheeze Half Marathon – I set a PR of 1:27:28 and truly had an amazing time on the course.
5 Peaks Dundas Conservation Area – This was the week after my marathon so I went on a very warm training run with my friend Gemma.
Mud Hero – I was given the opportunity to race this so I did it for fun. I participated in the Ultra 10 KM challenge and ended up being in the top 5 and first female OA. One of the things I like about Mud Hero is that it is not competitive and meant to just be for fun – it was awesome to be out there playing in the mud and having a good time. I recommend trying one if you haven’t yet.
Physically – I recovered well from Muskoka 70.3 and started rebuilding strength towards racing Raid International Gaspesie in September. August was a month of high volume and moderate intensity and my body handled it beautifully. I did a lot of tempo work and high volume weeks to prepare for my September endurance events.
Psychologically – I snapped out of my funk from last month and took it on, full steam ahead. It was a great month of steady progress both physically and mentally. I was proud that I took my easy days truly easy and it is translating into confidence in my September events.
I used the Polar V800 to track all of my track work, outdoor cycles and runs this month. I used the Polar cadence sensor to help with my indoor training ride. I used the Polar A360 to track all my strength workouts. I just received brand new Polar Power pedals and will be trying them out on my bike over the next number of weeks.
I did my half marathon in my New Balance Zantes and my trail run in my New Balance Hierros.
I am a Performance Project athlete under the coaching of Dave Galloway.
For September
It’s strange to be writing this so late as the main goal I had has already passed. I have chosen to take a break from coaching for the month. I began September with Raid International Gaspesie, followed up by a week of recovery, followed by the Ragnar Ultra Relay, followed by a week of recovery. I told my coach that seeing workouts loaded in my Training Peaks platform would make it harder for me to just listen to my body and rest when I need it so we decided to do a month of no formalised plans. I am resting as I need, racing hard when it’s time and enjoying the mental break.
[…] As I mentioned in my last report, I took a break from coaching this month because it literally consisted of racing and recovering. It is crazy to know that the biggest races of my 2016 year are behind me, but it was a fantastic month. […]