Just for Colors and Don’t Miss the Magic
Whenever it reaches the end of the month, I always keep a close eye on the goals I made for the beginning of the month and do my best to knock anything outstanding off of the list. This month, it was reorganising my closet: pulling all of the colourful summer clothes out and loading up with endless black leggings, grey sweaters and scarves. My closet is mostly black or white this time of year because I don’t tend to wear a lot of colour.
When I was given the opportunity to try a pair of leggings from Just for Colors, I decided to take a chance and go for a pop of colour in my winter wardrobe. Cobalt blue is my favourite colour so I decided to give Lagoon Blue leggings a shot.
Just for Colors leggings are designed for exactly what their name suggests. Their founder, Anja Sutcliff was tired of the same black, grey and navy tight options for women and decided to take matters into her own hands with her own line of bright, colourful and patterned tights. I will be very honest, when I saw that they were cotton and lycra, I was unsure of how durable they would be, but I was pleasantly surprised with how thick the fabric was. Because they are cotton, they are ridiculously comfortable and have held up to a number of washes in the washing machine.
I really like the versatility of these and have worn them with hoodies, tunics and jackets, including using them as running tights last week. And quite honestly, it wasn’t just my wardrobe that needed colour right now.
I had a really close friend who I spent every day with for the past two years die of cancer last week and I’ve been dealing with a few really sad situations at work right now. To put it as my mother did when I was small: “My wings are down.”
I think at the end of the day, we just need to slow down and understand that life just a complete miracle. Like every little bit of it. And when someone close to you dies, you realise that all the moments that you didn’t think were actually real life moments because they weren’t big enough, were actually the biggest ones.
I miss my friend desperately and I am honouring her memory by continue to add colour when I normally would wear grey, slowing down and actually noticing the miracle of things and loving the stuffing out of my friends and family.
Remember that life is colour.
I am so sorry to hear about your friend. Hang in there, it sounds like a tough time for you right now! I’ll be thinking of you.
One of my favourite quotes is by Albert Einstein: ‘There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is.’ Living that way and appreciating the small moments is so key, like you say above. Take care.
Awwww, Danielle I LOVE this. Thanks for sharing.
I’m so sorry about the loss of your friend. Cancer is evil for sure. You’re right though, life is a miracle!
(love the leggings too!)
Thanks for your support, Amy. You are awesome. 🙂