So we have already established that I am not the greatest baker in the world. However, I am a big believer in making your weaknesses into your strengths, so last week saw me in the kitchen before most people had woken up, whipping up a batch of cupcakes. The thing is, these were not just… Read More…
Holiday Eating and the Runner
Ok. It is a cruel joke that Christmas holidays fall just around the average runner’s off season. We cut our activity to approximately a third and people are shoving christmas goodies in our faces. (Ok, I am grabbing the cake and running. But still). Here’s a reality check – if you are racing seriously in… Read More…
My Diet Plan
It’s FRIDAY! Welcome to the weekend, friends! I am starting to get pre-race butterflies with my marathon looming this weekend. It is my first and I am set to qualify for Boston if my Achilles cooperates with me.. This week, I am tackling some of the questions that I have been asked the last little… Read More…