Vanilla CocoBerry Smoothie
It is starting to feel like fall out there! I keep finding bits of coloured leaves in my shoes and the air has a bit of a bite. That has not been stopping me from getting in some quality swim sessions or spending time outside. I am probably the only female on earth that doesn’t like pumpkin spice lattes, so I need to enjoy fall in other ways!
I am just a bit exhausted today. Yesterday was a whirlwind of work meetings and I caught a Blue Jays game in the evening with a friend, but that translated into a late bed time. Combine that with teaching an early morning spin class and I am just a little exhausted.
I made my morning smoothie with a bit of an extra zip with some B vitamins and caffeine!
Speaking of smoothies…I had mentioned on Wednesday’s post that I am taking part of a smoothie challenge for September, but I wanted to talk more about that and share my recipe to the challenge.
My mornings are beyond hectic as I often try and squeeze in a run before my work start time of 8 am every morning. Considering I normally leave myself about 20 minutes total to get ready from start to finish, I need something that I can consume quickly. Enter the smoothie. I have my blender on standby and all my regular ingredients within reach.
My normal smoothie is actually quite uncreative but it tastes amazing to me, so I stick with it.
The ingredients?
One banana
½ cup of frozen berries
1 scoop of Genuine Health protein powder
1 scoop of Genuine Health greens powder
1 cup of spinach
1 cup of coconut milk
If I am feeling super adventurous or it is a high milage week, I will throw in a TBSP of coconut oil for some healthy fats.
Recently though, I was asked by Genuine Health and Tuja Wellness to create a recipe for their one month challenge and I had a ball creating and consuming the recipe.
1 cup coconut milk (or half coconut milk half filtered water)
1 cup frozen berries
1 Tbsp coconut oil
1 Tbsp hemp seeds (and/or protein powder)
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 bananaAdd all ingredients and blend until smooth. If your smoothie is too thick – add a li’l more filtered water.
What is your go-to smoothie recipe?
This sounds awesome Jess, and I love the photos!! I adore smoothies because they’re such an easy way to get a ton of nutrient dense foods in one meal, and just made a smoothie board on Pinterest with a whole bunch of my faves ( My only worry is that at the rate our weather is going, soon it’ll be chilly and we’ll have to drink these from under blankets!