That Time I Was Hit By A Car
Well, it has certainly been a while, hasn’t it? I’m so sorry, but I do have a good excuse.
I was hit by a car.
It has been a busy two weeks of insurance, police reports, hospitals and physiotherapy. Add on to that that it just happened to be the busiest time of the year for work and you have a recipe for no extracurriculars or social life.
Regarding the accident, I really shouldn’t be surprised… there is a family saying that says : You can’t kill a Kuepfer and we stretch that to it’s limits.
My mother was diagnosed with spinal meningitis when she was a child and of a large group that was affected in her area, she was the only one that lived.
My father had his head run over by a farm wagon full of rocks when he was 5. He didn’t even go to the hospital, he just had the dirt cleaned from his ears. In his adult life, he has been struck by lightening.
And then the topic of bikes. When he was a child, he was hit by a car and put a dent in the hood (without a helmet, of course, because this was the stone ages).
My youngest sister was hit by a car on her bike last year.
And then this.
The back story? I was turning a corner last Monday and a motorist didn’t see me and was trying to beat the light. He accelerated and before I could see him, I had been struck and was thrown onto his windshield and onto the ground. I was rushed to the emergency room where they were incredulous that I only had some cuts and bruises but still kept me at the hospital a squillion hours longer than necessary for ALL THE XRAYS.
Long story short, I am a lucky girl. And if we are all honest, the title for this post is now just a little less funny:
But I will be fully transparent with you – I am doing EVERYTHING wrong. I am very sore, worn out and tired from the accident so I have not done a single workout since the accident however, work has been non-stop and I have been working long hours in high heels.
I basically ignored the pain and nausea that come from getting struck by a moving vehicle and now I am heading into two race weekends that demand everything I have. I know I SHOULDN’T do it, but I also know that when I am training for “life” that this is exactly what I am talking about.
I am an endurance athlete which allows me to push through hard and difficult things for long periods of time. I used to differentiate between my regular life and athletics, but it is all interconnected. This past work weekend was a marathon of work. Today, I am headed to New York to race the Ragnar Relay Ultra in the Adirondacks for Nuun Hydration and next weekend, I am doing a 24 hour adventure race in Muskoka. That is three weekends of pushing myself to the limit with little sleep back to back to back after racing a half marathon and getting hit by a car and I am expecting to crash hard at the end of it (no pun intended).
My question has been – what do you do when you CAN’T stop? Well, you do everything you can to make it as easy on your body as possible.
I am often tired after things that don’t normally tire me out so I sleep whenever I can.
I am drinking lots of Genuine Health Greens + for immune system support.
I am getting regular physiotherapy.
I am using hot and cold therapy for my bruises and sore muscles.
I am taking time off training until I feel ready to start back.
I am trying to find humour in a sucky situation. For example, my coworkers made this safety suit for me:
I am ok, but if I haven’t responded to a text/email/message of any kind, please do not be offended. I am just trying to get through the next month in one piece. I will be checking in with updates, but my regular posting schedule will be affected as I recover.
Thank you all for being so understanding. You rock.
Other things I have been up to lately?
Guest Posting for Wholesomely Fit
Fit Friday with Michelle the Runner
Interview with University of Waterloo
so glad you are ok!!!
I am so happy you are okay! What a terrifying experience! Truth be told this is Exactly why I feel more comfortable riding my bike on the trainer than I do on the road.
Thinking about you this month! You can do it! Xox
I’m so glad you’re ok, despite the bruises, sore muscles and everything else. One of the things that I’ve always admired about you is your ability to find humour in even the most crazy situations, and clearly nothing has changed! I’ve also learned that you’re one of the strongest fighters I know, so even if these next couple of weeks seem impossible, if anyone I know can make it through, it’s you!
Hey Jessica, happy to hear you’re recovering and haven’t lost that indominable spirit. Still, be kind to yourself and remember all the people who are rooting for you.
Sending you all the love and strength. You’re on my mind a lot, and I hope everyday that you are doing ok! Hang in there, you have a big crowd rooting for you, and we’ll all be here for you when you resurface after these next few weeks!
Lots of hugs!!
Oh my goodness, I’m so glad you’re okay!!
Oh my crap!! I’m some friggen happy to hear you’re okay and literally walked away with a few scrapes and bruises. That had to be absolutely terrifying.
Holy Shit! Your family real can take a hit and keep on going. Wow!
Take care of yourself and while I’d suggest maybe passing on a race or two, I understand and wish you all the luck and support.
So sorry to read this! I hope you’ll be feeling better soon, wishing you all the best! Make sure to listen to your body, you’ve got nothing to prove, you’re such an inspiration to so many people! Good luck with everything and since it sounds like you’ve made up your mind about doing the races, GOOD LUCK, YOU ROCK!!