Pilates with Merrithew and a GIVEAWAY
I love trying new things. It’s how I got finagled into expedition length adventure racing and donning a pair of pink fighting gloves for Muai Thai. When I was given the opportunity to try a Pilates class at Stott Pilates, I was completely intrigued.
I have taken a number of pilates style classes at various gyms in the past, but I have never had a proper introduction to the activity on the reformer. I was interested but to be honest, my expectations were that it would be a simple stretch routine.
I went to the Merrithew Stott Pilates studio in Toronto and was greeted by Merrithew Lead Instructor Trainer, David Taylor, an endurance athlete with a speciality in the Ironman distance. After countless overuse injuries, he began using Pilates and swore by it as a key to keeping him strong and competing as a healthy athlete.
I am not sure if you remember, but back around this time, I was struggling with a hamstring issue for the first time in my life. I neglected this area of my legs for years, and they just kept doing their thing until they became so overloaded that I began to get pain where they attached to the knee. I mentioned this to David and he just smiled.
He explained to me that the key to the workout was FORM. There would be a string of exercises but we weren’t going to move on to the next one until I had nailed the form in the first one.
The entire session was on the Pilates reformer machine, which is more intense and more dynamic than mat based Pilates as it adds resistance to the exercises via the use of the springs which form part of the machine.
There is no better time to figure out how weak you are than with someone analysing your movements. Let’s just say there was a little bit of muscle shaking going on.

So much concentration
We went through a workout focusing on my postural alignment and stretching and strengthening muscles. My absolute favourite one was the hamstring stretch with the pressure of the machine helping to release parts of my hamstrings that I wasn’t able to get to by just rolling out.
I really felt awesome after the class and although there were movements that had me working hard, it was nice to finish a class without being drenched with sweat. One thing I have learned is that incremental work is often better than going in with guns blazing, especially when you are new to an activity.
I am planning on continuing with Pilates as a part of my endurance training to keep me strong and healthy. I love that it focuses on strengthing stabilising hips, knees and ankles which is so important with the repetitive moments in training.
If you are interested in trying a class for yourself, the studio I went to is here. New clients are given a complimentry personal training session similar to what I tried and they help you find the classes that are best for you.
Before I leave, I would love to share some goodies with you, courtesy of Merrithew.
Fitness Circle
Resistance Loop Band
Stability Ball with Pump
Toning Ball 2 Pack 1lb
To enter, all you need to do is leave a comment below telling me about your experience with Pilates.
You can enter up until next Tuesday. I will announce the winner next Workout Wednesday, February 8!
This post was sponsored by Merrithew but all opinions are my own.
I have tried reformer classes a couple of times. They are humbling since they are so hard when you are working little muscles I didn’t even know I had! Great workout!
Love pilates but never tired reformer! The strength you are able to achieve after only a few classes us amazing!
I sadly have never tried Pilates before but have heard it does wonders for cyclists such as myself, who don’t stretch and need to change this lol! I would love to start adding this to my routine and that prize pack looks like it would be the ticket to making this happen 🙂
My 70 yr old Dad started doing Pilates 2 years ago and has never felt better. I’d like to get as flexible as him. I think, despite pretty regular stretching, like many endurance athletes my hamstrings get neglected a little.
Have been thinking about adding pilates to my strength training routine. I have heard great things about it!
Tried Pilates years and ago and loved it but never stuck with it. Now that I run a lot I need to avoid injuries and stay strong. I would love to include Pilates into my strength training schedule
I haven’t tried pilates before though I would like to. It’s tough to do speciality fitness stuff because it’s more expensive than the traditional gym membership.
My soul sister Eve is an instructor trainer at Stott in Toronto! Not sure if you were at her studio, I believe hers in on Yonge street near the Forrest hill community. Glad you had a great workout! I haven’t done much Pilates since my days working at the YMCA! haha
Just checked, yup – you were at Eve’s studio! Cool!!
My experience? Sadly, I have none. Not with *real* pilates, anyway.
I have never been to a true pilates class, but I know my core could sure benefit!
I did one class before that was Pilates for runners. It was great and I should definitely do more!
I can’t believe I’ve never done pilates! I’ll have to give it a try!
I have completed the Stott Pilates training, and now I’m working hard to pass my test. I have never stuck with anything like I have stott pilates. I love it and love to share it with others.
I used to take a basic Pilates class at the gym I used to work at. I still incorporate some of the moves in my own workouts but miss classes! I would love to try a reformer one day.
I love the reformer! I used to go regularly before switching to yoga but I love the strengthening aspect of Pilates.
love pilates, I have only tried the reformer classes twice though.
I have been doing Pilates as long as I’ve been running and I swear it’s what has kept me injury-free! The only injuries I’ve ever had were non-running related injuries. I do Pilatesology, which is founded on Joseph Pilates’ fundamentals and I’ve never tried the Stott method but heard great things about it.
Thanks for the giveaway! I have taken a few pilates classes, but wouldn’t call myself an expert by any means!
I did Pilates after my daughter was born. I believe it helped to quickly get me back into shape and definitely helped my core.
I have read about how great Pilates is but haven’t ever tried it 🙂 I should see if my gym offers and classes!
I would love to try Pilates, I need to find a places where offers and classes 🙂
Pilates experience– I used to do a Pilates-based workout from Urban Rebounding
Try signing up for pilatesanytime.com – hundreds of Mat and reformer workouts with great instructors. My favorites are the ones with John Garey. Great for preventing injury if I do one reformer class a week, great for strength and flexibility if I do at least 3 sessions:
Pilates is the best workout! I love the STOTT Pilates anatomical approach and how the programming is really tailored to your needs, strength and limitations!
love the photos!
I have used it in pt and it was helpful
Pilates was my first foray into a healthy lifestyle and I loved the fact that I could do some exercises at home 🙂