Welcome back to another week! I had a fabulous weekend. I took in another Jays game on Friday night and headed to Michigan for the Yankee Springs Trail Race for Sunday morning. It’s always good to see running friends again and spend some time on new trails. I will be posting a full review on… Read More…
Mantras for Runners
Let’s talk mantras. When I toe up to the starting line of any race, whether it is a speedy 5 km or a torching marathon, if I am not mentally ready for it, I am not ready for the race at all. Of course, there is that irritating fact that the less you dwell on… Read More…
When a Run isn’t Fun
This may come as a shock to you, but I don’t feel like running every time I go on a run. To be honest, the days that I want to bail out are rare and often the laziness occurs after I have started. All it takes is one, niggling thought: I don’t want to do this…. Read More…