Goals for March 2014
It is hard to believe we have already arrived at Wednesday, friends! (It could have SOMETHING to do with the fact that I just flew in from Florida late last night – I am a sleepy girl today..)
I feel like I have been broadsided by March, which means there is no better time than now to establish my goals for the month.
First though, let’s take a peek at how I did last month:
1. Learn how to ski – A+
Thank goodness I didn’t tack “well” on the back of this! I did take a lesson and spend the afternoon on the slopes with my new skis. I have the technique down pat and I look forward to perfecting my newfound skill in the future.
2. Run my first race of 2014 – C
Well, I shouldn’t be so hard on myself. I ran it. I just had my first DNF.
I don’t want to talk about it.
Actually, I do and I will have a review up next week.
3. Volunteer with House of Friendship. A
We had a fabulous and successful Potato Blitz collecting potatoes and food donations to help establish the food hamper and feed the hungry in the KW Region.
4. Do some professional development: A
I joined a couple local professional groups in the region in my area of interest and I have weekly meetings set up with a professional mentor. Just TRY to stop me now. ☺
5. Drink 8 cups of water a day: A-
While I may have not hit the exact target of 8 every day, some days I was over and others I was under. Regardless, I was significantly more hydrated and that counts for something!
Moving on to March, here are a few things I am hoping to establish. I actually added a bonus one this month :
1. Remain injury-free and push my milage up to the 100 km/week mark.
After just returning from an injury, I feel as if I have been flirting with disaster on and off in February. I have had a disastrous first race, IT band issues and Achilles pain in my RIGHT heel now. Let’s just say that I am super friends with my physiotherapist….
Regardless, I am amping up the therapy, adding a session of pool running each week and being aware of my training in the hopes I have a solid year of racing.
2. Renew my CPR – I have it booked and ready to go. Now let’s go save some lives!
3. Listen to more podcasts.
I am a commuter and although I love rocking out to EDM and having a mini-rave at 4 am on my way to the gym teach my spin classes, chances are, listening to Social Media Examiner or Endurance Planet would probably be a better use of my time. Let’s LEARN stuff!
4. Increase my savings rate –
I finished the book The Wealthy Barber Returns on vacation this week and if I came away with nothing else, it’s that my TFSA needs a bit more TLC.
I really like his common sense strategy to pay yourself first and although I have a first rate financial advisor, it is never a bad idea to go over and above.
5. Get my gear list, training plan and flights established for my Transrockies 120 miler in Colorado in August.
That flight won’t book itself! Unfortunately. (See goal #4).
6. Establish a support network for those who have contacted me with struggles from eating disorders. I heard from so many of you who are looking for an listening ear, advice or to hear from someone who just gets it. I want to make myself more available to those who need me.
Off to tackle the list!
What are your goals for March?
Any podcast recommendations?
Woohoo on your Feb progress and what an exciting March ahead! I’m so glad to see you’ve got the Social Media Marketing Podcast and Endurance Planet on your list – those are 2 of my faves! My March is pretty much focused on fitness and friends – two of my biggest loves! Email coming your way shortly. 🙂