It’s smack dab in the middle of mental health week and I need to pause, as I do every year, to talk about something that breaks me more than anything else. The core of my mission with my blog and a lot of what I do is self-esteem and young women – especially the mental… Read More…
Interview with Megan – Sisters and Anorexia
Hello there, I hope you all had a fabulous weekend. I spent it completing my second race of the year in Tampa, spending time with friends and family and soaking up that sunshine on a 25 km run and at the beach! Today is the final installment of my series on anorexia and how it… Read More…
Interview with Parents of an Anorexic
Well hello there friends, What an outpouring of support and awareness it has been from you all this week. I have been so overwhelmed by your kindness and care about a topic that is so important to me. I apologize that comments were closed this week. I am in Florida this week with limited access… Read More…
Interview with Jolene
Good morning everyone. I am so overwhelmed by the incredible support that has been pouring out since my original post on Monday. It has been an honour to share our story with you and if we can raise any awareness and shed any light on the truth of eating disorders, I will feel as if… Read More…
National Eating Disorder Awareness Week
Good morning everyone! I hope you had a refreshing weekend! I had a busy weekend preparing to go to Florida this week, volunteering for the House of Friendship’s Potato Blitz and running my first race of the season! (Recap will be up here soon). Although I am looking forward to heading into a week of… Read More…