Goals for December 2015
Well happy Monday!
It was a fantastic weekend in Toronto. I joined the Running Room for a new-to-me event called the Marquis de Sade. As the name suggests, it wasn’t the easiest of events and quite literally hit up every single major hill in Toronto. It was perfect weather for the event though and I had a ton of fun, especially with my undying love for hills.
In the evening, I joined some friends to watch the new Barkley Marathons documentary. I did happen to notice that there never has been a woman finish the race before and I seriously believe this needs to be remedied. Can someone please do it or I will feel obligated to try…
We have gotten to the end of November so let’s review some of the goals I set for the past month and how I did with them!
Do a final adventure race of the year. A++
It was the best season ender possible. We podiumed as a coed team and had a strong and happy race. Brad and I have already started scheming some incredible races next year and I have plans to go further and faster than I have ever gone. I am planning my next big 48 hour adventure race in January which will add a new element of cold. But more on that later. The RAID THE HAMMER race report can be read here.
Begin heavy lifting again. A++
And dang it feels good. I am going to weight classes at least once a week, doing one plyometric session once a week and I have started a new strength based program at a local studio called Revkor using resistance bands. 2016 won’t know what hit it!
Begin a cycling/triathlon training clinic A++
I only pass this because I didn’t emphasis continue with… I went to a couple classes but my bike is getting tuned up over the next couple weeks so I am not able to use my pass. It was fun to check out the gym and I look forward to going back when I can. You can read about my experiences here.
Season of Galas A++
I survived the November gala season. Now it is Christmas parties and office treats and holiday dinners. I LOVE off-season life.
Hard fail on this one. I ended up having a much, MUCH longer list than anticipated which I am totally ok with – it just means I have tons of amazing people in my life.
Cook from scratch A++
Oh, I rocked this one. I have made so many things this month, including hosting a couple dinner parties. Some of my favourites have been the Ultimate Vegan Lentil Loaf by Oh She Glows and Flourless Sweet Potato Muffins from Big Man’s World.
Now that we have looked at November, what are my goals for December to finish off 2015?
1. Get back to regular training.
I had mentioned that I had met with my coach and although I am still in my off season, tomorrow marks the first day of returning to a formal training plan and I am ready! We are using Training Peaks for this round of training, but I will still be uploading my workouts to Strava.
2. Do some altitude training
I have an amazing trip planned for the last week of December and beginning of January to a training mecca to train with one of my favourite runners, meet some incredible athletes and to kick off 2016 as strong as possible.
3. Get my race diet set in place
Anyone who knows me well knows I am a burger lover and extra-butter-on-my-popcorn kind of girl, but that doesn’t mean I don’t work hard to make sure I am getting all the nutrition that I need to train hard. I am meeting with my sports nutritionist this week to start putting some new plans in place to keep me healthy and a strong, lean racing machine.
4. Set my 2016 goals and make my vision board.
Every single year I made a vision board which represents everything I want to accomplish in 2016. It is crazy how specific I can be and it will happen. There is something so powerful about putting your goals where you can see them every day.
5. Do some mentoring
As a part of my job, I work in Public Relations and there are a number of students that are interested in learning more about communication and how to use it for things that they are passionate about. I am so lucky to be surrounded by incredible, strong women who have served as mentors to me and I am excited to do the same for others.
How about you? What’s up for December?
As always Jess you are an inspiration, no matter how far away I may be. Keep it up!
Looking forward to chatting with you tonight!
Great goals, I should make some myself. Girrrlll, you clean up weeeellll! 😉
BAHA, thanks lady.
Good job on hitting pretty much all of your goals! I plan to get in more weight training and building a solid base of triathlon training.
Way to go, Sheena! Seriously, base building is so important for triathlon.
Ahhh I love ALL of this! So excited to hear about your altitude training (+ the epic trip involved!), and to hear about how you like Training Peaks. I think you’re really going to enjoy it – there’s unlimited data that you could geek out on if you have the time, but it’s just such a great way for coaches/athletes to communicate and give feedback. You are going to have one amazing end of the year and it sounds like you’ll be going full steam ahead into 2016!
I already LOVE training peaks. It is so helpful to see my workout plans laid out like that.
Tell me more about the adventure and altitude training. It sounds so exciting! Can’t wait to hear the details! And happy December!
Thanks for coming to see the film! We can’t wait to see a woman finish the Barkley. It’s only a matter of time…
Loved the movie! And was that a challenge?….