Guys. It has been one heckuva year. I’ve taken up mountain biking, skiing, adventure racing, Muay Thai and triathlons. I started a new job. I moved. And I had the time of my life in 2014. At the beginning of every year, I create a vision board as a platform to build my year around…. Read More…
Polar Heart Rate Training
I have made a fundamental shift in my training plan in the last while. Last season, I went a lot by how I felt, but one thing I have found is that I cannot necessarily trust myself when it comes to that. Exhibit A? What I thought was just annoying case of shin splints that ended… Read More…
Book Review: The Big Book of Endurance Training and Racing by Dr Philip Maffetone
It’s February and I haven’t fallen off the goal wagon yet! I am trying not to let my busyness crowd out my love for reading and I have set a goal to read one book a month throughout 2014. With a full time job, a jammed training schedule and some semblance of a social life,… Read More…