It is easy to get caught up in your training plan and forget that you can do an activity outside of running. Tempo run on Tuesday, Hills on Wednesday, Long Run on Sunday, and on the list goes. But what happens when you start feeling those niggling pains and muscle tightness? If you are anything… Read More…
Pre Race Preparation for a Half Marathon
A half marathon is one of the most popular distances in the running community. 21.1 km is long enough to get into a running groove and feel a proper distance, but also short enough to be a good foray into the world of distance running and know that within a couple hours or… Read More…
How to Exercise in the Morning (And Like It)
Every so often, it will be 4:30 am on a Friday morning and I will be sitting in my car in the driveway debating on whether or not my spin class will miss me if I don’t show up. Actually, it is most Friday mornings. Because I fit training and fitness instruction around a full… Read More…
Interview with Kathryn Bertine
We literally are all the way back to Friday again. I could not be happier. This week has been utter and complete madness for me. I will not lament but rather focus on awesomer things. So a while back, I gave away a book. Yes, I am STILL on about Kathryn Bertine. The woman is… Read More…
Fitness Friday: the only place you can look normal with neon padded shorts
Hey everyone. It’s the almost WEEKEND! Fridays are always very full for me. I get up at 4 am and teach two classes before heading into the office. I don’t mind the early wake up, because my first class of the day is spin, which leads me to the blog theme today… Teaching spin is… Read More…
A Giveaway: Pave It Forward
Not too long ago, Pavement Runner decided that he had too many books. He bought a new one that was so great that he needed to share it and thus, the Pave It Forward Giveaway was formed. The premise is simple: win the book, read the book, review the book, and give it away to another… Read More…